>> And Now, On to Financial Reform . . .

Posted By Barry Ritholtz On March 22, 2010 @ 7:26 am In Bailouts,
Credit, Regulation

With Health Care now out of the way, we can get to what I consider to
be the more important issue: Reforming Wall Street and the banking

As I noted 6 months ago, the White House emphasis on Health Care over
Finance was a significant tactical error [1]. I would imagine with
their weekend health care victory, the White House might push for
finance reform. I expect they will see some significant traction.

I do not know what the political fall out from being for or against
health care will be. But I can tell you that it will be much harder to
oppose re-regulating banking. While the banks have succeeded in buying
Congress, I think their attempts to stop a major overhaul of financial
regulation will be far more difficult. Political opponents will paint
anti-reformers as pro-banks and anti-family.

Ideally, what should that overhaul look like? I can identify at least
six areas that need total overhaul:

1. The Ratings Agencies: The prime enablers of the crisis, their
pay-for-play business model is a debacle. Their status as Nationally
Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO) shoul;d be
stripped, and the space opened up for real competition.

2. Derivatives Must Be Regulated like all Financial Products: Put
derivatives on exchanges; require counter-party disclosure and
transparent open interest reporting. Capital requirements for trading
is needed;  Like other insurance products, reserve for losses Repeal
the CFMA.

3. Regulate Non Banks lenders like Banks:  The unregulated non-bank
lenders were at the heart of this crisis. It doesn’t matter if you
aren’t a depository institution, if you loan money, you must be
regulated like any other bank PERIOD.

4. Reinstate Net Cap Leverage Rules:  Over turn the SEC Bear Stearns
exemption via Congress. Reinstate the former 12-to-1 leverage rules.

5. Eliminate Too Big To Fail:  Nixon Treasury Secretary George Shultz
famously said “If they are too big to fail, make them smaller.”  Put
caps on percentage of total US assets allowed. I suggest 1%. Break up
insolvent, incompetent megabanks — like Citi and Bank of America. And
I would carve up JPM as well. Separate the Depository Banks from the
investing houses. (restoring Glass Steagall will do that).

6. Do not give the Federal Reserve MORE Authority:  The Fed should
focus on monetary policy. They can work closely with whoever is
ultimately the bank regulator — but I do not believe having them be be
the prime over seer of banks can work.

7. Stop Regulatory Forum Shopping:  The alphabet soup of various bank
regulators OTS, FDIC, OCC, etc. should be replaced with one regulator.
The FDIC is the only office that did a good job this entire crisis,
put all regulatory responsibility under Sheila Bair’s office.

8. Overhaul the SEC:  They need to have numerous improvements: Start
by making them less of a law firm and more of a finance shop. Expand
the hotline/whistleblower division, offer bounties for discovering and
reporting fraud. Add a quantitative division to look for issues

9. Reform Compensation:  The system of privatized gains, socialized
losses must be thwarted. Exec compensation is totally disconnected
from their performance. Major overhaul from shareholders is needed.
Require custodians — Mutual funds, pension plans, etc. — to vote their
holdings (shares) as a fiduciary.
Essentially, I am advocating a “Do Over.” Reverse the past 3 decades
of radical deregulation. The alternative is an even bigger financial
crisis, and sooner than you imagine. <<

It doesn't seem likely that any of the above will pass.

So it's time to start thinking of how to short the next
world-shattering U.S. bubble.  ;-)
Jim Devine / "Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own
way and let people talk.) -- Karl, paraphrasing Dante.
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