Being a senior citizen is a mixed blessing. On the debit side, I have to 
put up with ailments that tend to develop once you are past 50 (as I am 
well past) such as cataracts, hypertension, and the male-only benign 
prostatic hyperplasia. On the credit side, having been on the front 
lines of most of the political battles of the past 50 years, I have 
gained a lot of experience that allows me to be a bit more skeptical of 
the Sanders campaign that many younger people on the left embrace like a 
shiny new toy.

Of course, there are some grizzled veterans who are also fixated on the 
new toy, an explanation for which has a lot to do with their particular 
background that views voting for Democrats as a tactical question. To 
give credit where credit is due, I would say that Ethan Young’s article 
on the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung website titled “A Political Revolution” 
is the most skillful I have seen to justify voting Democrat—much more 
informed than, for example, the Socialist Alternative people whose 
article explaining their participation in the Sanders campaign appears 
juvenile by comparison.

I should mention that the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung is basically the NY 
branch office of Die Linke, the German left party that generally fights 
the good fight even though it has erred badly on Syria. In my view, the 
USA is badly in need of such a party as the Socialist Alternative 
comrades argue in their article but mistakenly believe—as does 
Young—that the Sanders campaign can mutate into such a party. It is more 
likely that I will mutate into Rosa Luxemburg.

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