Robert Dreyfuss writes: "Among other things, for such a movement and the 
armed militias that would go with it to coalesce, you might need another 
2007/2008-style economic meltdown, a crisis long and profound enough for 
such a movement to seize the moment."

What's missing from this equation and all such other articles warning 
about Trump becoming a fascist dictator is the exact cause of such an 
extreme reactionary move: a revolutionary challenge by the working 
class. The 2007/2008 Great Recession, unlike the Great Depression, did 
not lead to a working class radicalization. The working class has hardly 
been a factor in challenging the deepening attacks on wages, working 
conditions, and other important necessities such as healthcare and 
education. Furthermore, left groups have not been growing. They have 
been shrinking. The Occupy Wall Street movement was significant but it 
was mostly led by young people not at "the point of production: as we 
used to put it in the SWP. Why resort to fascism when bourgeois 
democracy is working so splendidly?
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