NY Times, Mar. 15 2016
Labor Protests Multiply in China as Economy Slows, Worrying Leaders

GUANGZHOU, China — For nearly seven years, Li Wei rose before dawn seven 
days a week for his 10-hour shift at the steel plant, returning home 
each night soaked in sweat, the clank of heavy machinery still ringing 
in his ears. But last month, the 31-year-old welder stood outside the 
plant with hundreds of co-workers, picketing against pay cuts and 
singing patriotic battle hymns.

Within a week, the authorities declared their strike illegal, 
threatening fines and imprisonment. The police descended on the plant by 
the hundreds, tearing down signs and ordering the protesters to go back 
to work. “I’ve sacrificed my life for this company,” Mr. Li told 
officers as they sought to disperse the workers. “How can you do this?”

As China’s economy slows after more than two decades of breakneck 
growth, strikes and labor protests have erupted across the country. 
Factories, mines and other businesses are withholding wages and 
benefits, laying off staff or shutting down altogether. Worried about 
their prospects in a gloomy job market, workers are fighting back with 
unusual ferocity.

Last week, hundreds if not thousands of angry employees of the 
state-owned Longmay Mining Group, the biggest coal company in 
northeastern China, staged one of the most politically daring protests 
over unpaid salaries yet, denouncing the provincial governor as he and 
other senior leaders gathered for an annual meeting in Beijing.

China Labor Bulletin, a labor rights group based in Hong Kong, recorded 
more than 2,700 strikes and protests last year, more than double the 
number in 2014. The strife appears to have intensified in recent months, 
with more than 500 protests in January alone.

Most demonstrations have refrained from political attacks and focused on 
grievances such as wage arrears, unpaid benefits like pension 
contributions and unsafe working conditions.

President Xi Jinping, concerned about challenges to the ruling Communist 
Party, has responded with a methodical crackdown, quashing protests, 
dismantling labor rights organizations and imprisoning activists. But 
his government has also sought to placate workers, putting pressure on 
businesses to settle disputes and making billions of dollars available 
for welfare payments and retraining programs.

The approach underlines the political dilemma that labor unrest poses 
for the Communist Party, which has continued to portray itself as a 
socialist guardian of worker’s rights even as it has embraced capitalism 
and welcomed tycoons into its ranks.

The tide of protests appears to be cresting as Mr. Xi contemplates an 
enormous downsizing of China’s bloated state industries, which are 
producing much more steel, cement and other goods than the market needs. 
According to a recent study, more than three million workers could lose 
their jobs in the next two years if the cuts go through. The government 
has already announced plans to lay off 1.8 million steel and coal workers.

China trimmed the state sector of more than 30 million workers during a 
wave of privatization and restructuring during the late 1990s and early 
2000s. But the economy was booming then, creating millions of jobs in 
new industries. It is still growing today, but at its slowest pace in a 
quarter century.

At the same time, Mr. Xi is grappling with a labor force that is better 
informed and more easily organized because of social media, and also 
more assertive, in part because of grass-roots rights groups that have 

“This is probably the thing that keeps Xi Jinping up at night,” said Eli 
Friedman, a scholar at Cornell University who studies Chinese labor 
issues. “Governments are not swimming in money the way they used to be, 
and there’s less room to compromise.”

Here in the capital of Guangdong Province in southern China, several 
hundred workers at the state-owned Angang Lianzhong steel plant went on 
strike last month in response to a plan to decrease wages by as much as 
half and extend the workday to 12 hours for some employees.

“Toward the sun, toward freedom!” the workers chanted one morning as 
they demonstrated outside, reciting a World War II-era army song.

They used WeChat, a popular messaging app, to rally support and raise 
money to buy protest banners. In one widely shared post, they described 
how the authorities had tried to stop them from playing the national 
anthem on a loudspeaker. (Its first line is, “Rise, we who refuse to be 

After the police broke up the strike, the plant promised to delay its 
planned wage cuts. But several workers said they had returned to work 
only because they feared punishment.

“I lost hope that anything would change,” said Mr. Li, the welder, 
adding that he was anxious about finding a new job to support his wife 
and son.

Officials at the steel plant did not respond to requests for comment.

Guangdong, which manufactures much of the world’s toys, shoes, clothes 
and furniture, has been a hotbed of worker discontent. In recent months, 
many foreign-invested factories here have relocated to central China or 
Southeast Asia. Some have moved without making severance or pension 
payments, in violation of Chinese law. Last year, the province averaged 
more than one labor dispute a day, according to China Labor Bulletin.

Protests have been reported in every part of the country, with the 
strife most pronounced in the manufacturing and construction industries, 
which accounted for two-thirds of the demonstrations.

Most of the protests last year were against private employers. But the 
demonstrations last week in Shuangyashan, a mining town near the Russian 
border in Heilongjiang Province, suggest the unrest could spread to 
government-owned businesses if Mr. Xi pushes ahead with efforts to 
overhaul the economy by reining in state industries.

Miners and others there took to the streets complaining of unpaid wages 
after the provincial governor held up their company, Longmay, as an 
example of how state firms could be restructured without hurting 
workers. He made his remarks at the annual session of China’s 
legislature, the National People’s Congress.

Longmay said in September that it planned to lay off 100,000 workers, 
eliminating about 40 percent of the work force at 42 mines.

Despite rising discontent, there have been few signs that a national 
labor movement might emerge. The authorities have worked assiduously to 
block workers from joining forces.

The government prohibits workers from establishing independent labor 
unions, instead requiring that they join only the party-controlled 
All-China Federation of Trade Unions. It is supposed to mediate labor 
disputes, but management usually chooses the workers who sit at the 
bargaining table.

The authorities have also clamped down on social media, shutting 
accounts of labor activists, deleting news reports on strikes and 
monitoring chat forums for signs of collective action.

In recent years, the nonprofit labor rights groups that have 
proliferated have sought to help workers negotiate contracts and 
maintain solidarity during strikes. The authorities had been mostly 
tolerant and sometimes treated them as allies in enforcing labor laws.

But as worker protests have become more frequent, bold and 
sophisticated, state security forces have tightened their grip. In 
December, the authorities arrested Zeng Feiyang, one of China’s most 
prominent labor organizers, accusing him of “gathering a crowd to 
disturb social order.” Three other activists were detained as well.

Mr. Zeng, 41, had orchestrated successful campaigns against influential 
factories and state-owned firms in Guangdong and tutored a generation of 
labor activists. After his arrest, state news outlets began a smear 
campaign, accusing him of hiring prostitutes, stealing from workers and 
conspiring with hostile foreign forces.

In interviews, several activists said they had gone into hiding. Mr. 
Zeng’s center here, once a bustling meeting place for workers, now sits 
empty with a new security camera above its front door.

Wu Guijun, a labor activist in nearby Shenzhen, said he had started 
warning workers against holding demonstrations, for fear that they might 
be arrested, too.

“The environment has changed,” he said. “We need time to grow up. We 
can’t just die in the cradle. We have to change our strategy.”

Adam Wu contributed research.
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