Another example of why the US is perceived as duplicitous by those outside of 
its imperial orbit.

The Al-Monitor article linked to below presents compelling evidence that the 
Obama administration is subtly undermining the highly-touted nuclear deal 
reached last year between Iran and the consortium of the US, the EU, Russia, 
and China. 

The continuing efforts of the Treasury department to sanction Iran, despite the 
commitments made in the Iran deal, is consistent with previous American rebuffs 
to Iranian peace overtures made by the liberal predecessors of the current 
President, Hassan Rouhani. 

As the article notes: "In the 1990s, then-President Ali Akbar Hashemi 
Rafsanjani’s outreach to US oil firms was met with Congress’ passage of the 
Iran and Libya Sanctions Act, the foundation for subsequent secondary US 
sanctions targeting the Iranian energy sector. In the early 2000s, under 
then-President Mohammad Khatami, tacit Iranian-American collaboration to 
successfully overthrow the Taliban ended as the Islamic Republic was labeled a 
member of the infamous Axis of Evil.”
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