Begin forwarded message:

> From: Bill Totten <>
> Date: March 27, 2016 at 11:59:03 PM EDT
> To: Ugly New World <>, a-list 
> <>
> Subject: [a-list] Japan Goes Full Krugman
> Reply-To:
> Plans Un-Depositable, Non-Cash "Gift-Certificate" Money Drop to Young People
> by Tyler Durden
> Zero Hedge (March 23 2016)
> The Swiss {1}, the Finns, and the Ontarians {2} may get their "Universal 
> Basic Income" but the Japanese are about to turn the Spinal Tap amplifier of 
> extreme monetary experimentation to eleven. Sankei reports, with no sourcing, 
> that the Japanese government plans to unleash "vouchers" or "gift 
> certificates" to low-income young people to stimulate the "conspicuous 
> decline" in consumption among young people. The handouts may not be 
> deposited, thus combining helicopter money (inflationary) and fully 
> electronic currency (implicit capital controls and tracking of spending).
> Since Ben Bernanke reminded the world of the existence of government 
> printing-presses, echoed Milton Friedman's "helicopter drop" solution to 
> fighting deflation, and decried Japan for not being as insane as it could be 
> ... it has only been a matter of time before some global central bank decided 
> that the dropping of cash onto the populace was the key to economic recovery. 
> Having blown their wad on Quantitative and Qualitative Easing ("QQE") (and 
> been left with a quintuple-dip recession) and unleashed Negative Interest 
> Rate Policy ("NIRP"), it appears Japan has reached that limit.
> As Bloomberg reports,
> The Japanese government plans to include gift certificates for low-income 
> young people in its fiscal 2016 supplementary budget, Sankei reports, without 
> saying who provided the information.
> Recipients would be able to use them for daily necessities.
> The government sees gift certificates as more effective in stimulating 
> consumption than cash handouts, which may be deposited.
> As Sankei reports (via Google Translate),
> The government 23 days, as the centerpiece of the 2016 fiscal year 
> supplementary budget to organize because of the economic stimulus, cemented 
> the policy to include the low-income measures for young people. To examine 
> the distribution of vouchers to be devoted to the purchase of such daily 
> necessities. Although the 2015 supplementary budget, which was established in 
> January was the extraordinary benefits pillars of the elderly, because the 
> conspicuous decline in consumption among young people, hopes to work to shore 
> up at the pin point. Low-income measures of the past on the grounds such as 
> "benefit is Oyobi difficult wage hike" (Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide 
> Suga) is for the elderly was the main.
> However, in January of Family Income and Expenditure Survey (two or more 
> people households), consumption expenditure of 34-year-old following of young 
> people in a significant negative same month of the previous year of 11, seven 
> percent decrease, compared to the total household average of 3.1% year on 
> year decline was noticeable even. Government in order to raise the level of 
> personal consumption to be sluggish, the determination and consumption 
> stimulus measures of young people is essential. Rather than the benefits that 
> potentially turn into savings is pointed out, we are considering the 
> distribution of gift certificates. Details, such as low-income earners of 
> interest and business scale is filled from April.
> According to the Cabinet Office survey, for which the straight-line benefits 
> that were distributed in 2009, many of proportion to turn to the consumer 
> from the elderly entitlements is more of the child-rearing households than 
> the household, this time of the measures expected a certain effect on the 
> consumption raise That's it. Per capita 3 27 fiscal distribute the yen 
> supplementary budget of extraordinary benefits to the elderly of the 
> low-income, objection such as "Why do you favor only the elderly" was out of 
> the ruling and opposition parties. Ahead of the House of Councillors 
> election, there is also aim to appeal to the support measures for young 
> people.
> And so while some might liken it to Electronic Benefit Transfer cards ("EBT 
> cards") in the US ... it appears this is simply a hidden way to directly hand 
> out free money to those that spend (lower income) and force consumption 
> (non-depositable or savable) and thus ... increase inflation ... So no need 
> for firms to raise wages after all! Well played Abe.
> One wonders how much these "gift certificates" will trade for on the black 
> market ... as we are sure some "spending" will be disallowed and require the 
> use of cash - no sugary drinks ... no Fugu (google it) ... no Sumo 
> tournaments ... and no BMW X6.
> And finally here is Charles Hugh-Smith {3} to destroy the idea that this 
> works ...
> In sum, the psychology of punishing the productive and rewarding 
> non-contributors is destructive to everyone. Have proponents forgotten that 
> humans are prone to emotions such as resentment? Resentment goes both ways; 
> the recipients of Basic Income will be getting by, but they won't be able to 
> build capital or better their financial stake. They are in effect Basic 
> Income Serfs.
> Proponents also believe that the loss of work will free everyone getting a 
> basic income to become an artist, composer, musician, et cetera. As I noted 
> in {4}, since meaningful work is the source of positive social roles, Hell is 
> a lack of meaningful work.
> In the myopic view of the Basic Income proponents, humans are nothing but 
> consumer-bots who chew through the Earth's resources in their limitless quest 
> for more of everything - what the Keynesian Cargo Cult worships as "demand".
> Tragically, this blindness to humanity's need for meaning and the elevation 
> of spiritually empty consumerism to a Secular Religion leaves the basic 
> Income crowd incapable of understanding this timeless truth: the only 
> possible result of robbing people of their livelihood is despair.
> Once meaningful work vanishes, so do positive social roles.
> This is why guaranteed income for all is just a new version of Socioeconomic 
> Hell. Being paid to do nothing does not provide meaningful work or positive 
> social roles, which are the sources of positive identity, pride, purpose, 
> community and meaning.
> The petit-bourgeois fantasy of every individual flowering as an artist, 
> musician and creator once freed of work is an abstraction, one born of the 
> expansion of academic enclaves and private wealth-funded dilettantes 
> fluttering from one salon to the next. (Ever notice how many trust-funders 
> have therapists? Would they all need therapists if being freed from work 
> automatically generated happiness and fulfillment?)
> These are precisely what basic income for all doesn't provide. To the degree 
> that serfdom is political powerlessness and near-zero access to the processes 
> of accumulating productive capital, guaranteed income for all is simply 
> serfdom institutionalized into a Hell devoid of purpose, pride, meaning, 
> community and positive social roles.
> As we previously detailed {5}, support is growing around the world for such 
> spending to be funded by People's Quantitative Easing ("QE"). The idea behind 
> "People's QE" is that central banks would directly fund government spending 
> ... and even inject money directly into household bank accounts, if need be. 
> And the idea is catching on.
> Already the European Central Bank is buying bonds of the European Investment 
> Bank, an EU institution that finances infrastructure projects. And the new 
> leader of Britain's Labor Party, Jeremy Corbyn, is backing a British version 
> of this scheme.
> That's the monster coming to towns and villages near you! Call it "overt 
> monetary financing". Call it "money from helicopters". Call it "insane".
> But it won't be unpopular. Who will protest when the feds begin handing our 
> money to "mid- and low-income households"?
> Simply put, The Keynesian Endgame is here {6} ... as the only way to avoid 
> secular stagnation (which, for the uninitiated, is just another 
> complicated-sounding, economist buzzword for the more colloquial "everything 
> grinds to a halt") is for central bankers to call in the Krugman Kraken and 
> go full-Keynes.
> Rather than buying assets, central banks drop money on the street. Or even 
> better, in a more modern and civilised fashion, credit our bank accounts! 
> That, after all, may be more effective than buying assets, and would not 
> imply the same transfer of wealth as previous or current forms of QE. Indeed, 
> "helicopter money" can be seen as permanent QE, where the central bank 
> commits to making the increase in the monetary base permanent.
> Again, crediting accounts does not guarantee that money will be spent - in 
> contrast to monetary financing where the newly created cash can be used for 
> fiscal spending. And in many cases, such policy would actually imply fiscal 
> policy, as most central banks cannot conduct helicopter money operations on 
> their own.
> ...
> So again, the thing to realize here is that this has moved well beyond the 
> theoretical and it's not entirely clear that most people understand how 
> completely absurd this has become (and this isn't necessarily a specific 
> critique of SocGen by the way, it's just an honest look at what's going on). 
> At the risk of violating every semblance of capital market analysis decorum, 
> allow us to just say that this is pure, unadulterated insanity. There's not 
> even any humor in it anymore.
> You cannot simply print a piece of paper, sell it to yourself, and then use 
> the virtual pieces of paper you just printed to buy your piece of paper to 
> stimulate the economy. There's no credibility in that whatsoever, and we 
> don't mean that in the somewhat academic language that everyone is now 
> employing on the way to criticizing the Fed, the ECB, and the BoJ.
> And it will end only one way ... {7}
> The monetizing of state debt by the central bank is the engine of helicopter 
> money. When the central state issues $1 trillion in bonds and drops the money 
> into household bank accounts, the central bank buys the new bonds and 
> promptly buries them in the bank's balance sheet as an asset.
> The Japanese model is to lower interest rates to the point that the cost of 
> issuing new sovereign debt is reduced to near-zero. Until, of course, the 
> sovereign debt piles up into a mountain so vast that servicing the interest 
> absorbs more than forty percent of all tax revenues.
> But the downsides of helicopter money are never mentioned, of course. Like QE 
> (that is, monetary stimulus), fiscal stimulus (helicopter money) will be sold 
> as a temporary measure that quickly [will] become permanent, as the economy 
> will crater the moment it is withdrawn.
> The temporary relief turns out to be, well, heroin, and the Cold Turkey 
> withdrawal, full-blown depression.
> Links:
> {1} 
> {2} 
> {3}
> {4}
> {5}
> {6} 
> {7} 
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