----- Original Message -----
From: "Marvin Gandall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well, the Jews and the Scots have also been prominently mentioned. :) I'm
still looking to meet the capitalist - of any nationality - who doesn't
to get the best possible price for his or her product, or the worker who
doesn't want to get the same for his or her labour.



Due to interminable miseducation/study of philosophy, I'm having a bit of
trouble, also based on working with lots of members of the working class,
with what you mean by *best*. I've seen thousands of co-workers sit
quietly for years while their real wage eroded and tremble at the thought
of organizing into a union. I've seen corporate managers *cut* profit
margins to the bone vis a vis customers when they clearly had the upper
hand in bargaining and could come up with no reasonable justification on
static or dynamic grounds for doing so. I think we might have to take a
bit more seriously Herbert Simon's notions of satisficing and bounded
rationality and do some comparative empirical work across cultures on
price bargaining.

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