Jonathan Nitzan wrote:

Addressing me at first, presumably,

> Postone, Virno -- and presumably also Hardt and
> Negri Inc. -- “have
> said it all along”.

No, I didn't also mention Hardt and Negri because I
was specifically excluding them from the question. And
what's the purpose of the quotation marks around "have
said it all along"? What I said is that you are not
alone, which ain't even close. But then I suppose you
"vant to be alone." Suits me.

> I suppose the difference boils down to this: They
> are post-Marxist. They
> already know everything...

Perhaps Hardt and Negri are the ones who know
everything. Perhaps that's why I didn't include them
in my question. But I referred to two texts, by
Postone and Virno, respectively not to some vast,
vague, ephemeral abstraction called "post-Marxism."
There's no shame in not having read those texts, if
that's the reason you couldn't answer my question. But
to imply with a sweeping dismissive that my question
was not legitimate because it came from some,
presumably, presumptuous territory of the know-it-alls
is, well, boorish.

> We, on the other hand, still feel a little insecure.

That is all too evident from the tone of your reply.

> You may feel that the fact that capitalists control
> social reproduction...

>From this point on, presumably, the rest of the
message addresses Charles Brown's point without making
any distinction between the two of us, as if Charles'
message and my own had anything in common other than
their subject lines.

> So no harm intended, but I think the gap between us
> is just too wide for
> this sort of debate.

No harm done. _You_ were debating with a supercilious
abstraction: "post-Marxism." _I_ was responding to a
text you had written -- a text, by the way, that
contained far too many scare quotes to be read by
anyone who wished to retain some semblance of
proximity between his "eyebrows" and his "eyes."

The Sandwichman

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