In a message dated 4/7/2006 12:06:43 P.M.  Eastern Daylight Time,
I don't think  that
Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are against violence _in  practice_
(and it's practice that matters in the end, not theory).
Comment:I was referring to "practice" by the common people not the state
rulers. Again because of the strong emphasis of  Oriental religions on
non-violence and the practice of self-reflection and meditational  
techniques,even t
oday, the rates of crime and violence in China and japan are  way below the 
in the USA and most of Europe. And even by state standards  nothing is
comparable to the Anglo-Saxon and Spanish global vandalism and  pillage through 
world history.
Christianity has never made anti-violence  its main target, not even theory,
the cheek quote not withstanding.
Cristobal  Senior De Ruiz

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