can best be described as Harry's Place for the
cognoscenti. With lavish funding from such sources as the Bank of Sweden
Tercentenary Foundation and the Rockfeller Fund and editorial guidance by
such wretches as Todd Gitlin and Danny Postel, Roger Scruton (the British
philosopher who got caught taking surreptitious payoffs from the tobacco
industry in exchange for writing pro-smoking articles in the Wall Street
Journal), the website maintains a steady drumbeat for the war on terror and
against 'Islamofascism' and the Bolivarian revolution, etc. Unlike the
spittle-flecked Harry's Place blog, Opendemocracy tries to maintain a
certain kind of scholarly detachment, which arguably makes it far more

One of their recent articles is making the rounds on the Internet. Titled
"How the European left supports Lebanon" and written by Hazem Saghieh, the
editor of Al-Hayat--a British newspaper hostile to Arab and Muslim
radicalism, it has the dubious distinction of invoking Karl Marx in support
of a reactionary agenda: "The left's embrace of an Islamist movement
supported by Iranian mullahs would have appalled Karl Marx."

To support his left flank, Saghieh begins by saying:

"Europe's left-wingers are supporting us Lebanese against Israel and its
war crimes. Thanks, that's great: the Lebanese need all the backing they
can get in facing the overwhelming technological savagery unleashed on
their land and airspace, scorching the earth and not distinguishing
civilians from soldiers, babies from adults."

But that's just a warm-up for his real act, which is to cast Hizbollah as a
reactionary intrusion into Lebanon's "experiment in coexistence" between
rival religions and its parliamentary system unequalled in the Arab world.
Saghieh describes Lebanon in the early 1970s as a kind of social democratic

[F]or all its shortcomings, Lebanon's parliamentary system was without
equal in the Arab world. Lebanon had simultaneously gained an unparalleled
freedom of expression, with ever-increasing newspapers and magazines, not
to mention a flourishing publishing sector producing original and
translated work which made Beirut the printing press of the Arab world.
Trade unions and political parties also enjoyed considerable liberties: on
the eve of the 1975-1976 conflict most left-wing movements, including the
Communist Party, were legalised.

In 1972, the year of the last elections before the war, the
general-secretary of the Communist Party stood in the parliamentary
elections; members were also elected for the Ba'ath Party and the
Nasserites (who called for a pan-Arab union in which Lebanon would have
been dissolved). The status of women in Lebanon was immeasurably better
than in most of the rest of the Arab world.


This social democratic Eden gave way to a Hobbesian struggle between rival
religious sects. The cause was an Israeli invasion in 1982 that "degraded
Lebanon's inhabitants, destroyed its economy and tore apart the fabric of
its sectarian relations." However, Syria and Iran get equal blame in
Saghieh's eyes since they intervened to back their own proxies and to
exacerbate an already bad situation. Worst of all was Iran's support of
Hizbollah, which comes across in Saghieh's words as a kind of enemy of
Reason and Civilization as bad as the Taliban:

"At its outset, members of the movement in the Beka'a valley, accompanied
by Iranian 'Revolutionary Guards', used to spray girls' legs with acid,
because their skirts did not cover their knees and their faces were not

A cursory look into Lexis-Nexis will reveal no such behavior on the part of
Hezbollah. Indeed, commentators have frequently noted that Hezbollah *has
not* forced strict Islamic codes on the men and women who live under their

In a NY Review of Books article by Adam Schatz titled "In Search of
Hezbollah," we learn:

In a country mired in patronage and back-room dealing, Hezbollah is
respected for its lack of corruption. Although the party's yellow-and-green
flag--depicting a fist brandishing a Kalashnikov, posed against a globe--
still advocates "the Islamic Revolution in Lebanon," Hezbollah has recently
said little about an Islamic state, and begun to build alliances across
religious lines, particularly at the municipal level and in professional
unions. In 1999, for example, Hezbollah members of Lebanon's engineering
syndicate formed a coalition with the Phalange Party, a rightist Christian
group, and the National Liberal Party, both allies of Israel during the
civil war. Another change that is impossible to ignore is the growing
prominence of female activists in the party, a development that makes the
party progressive by Islamist standards. "One would have to be blind not to
notice the changes Hezbollah has undergone," says Joseph Samaha, a secular
Christian writer for the daily as-Safir. "Has Hezbollah tried to ban books
or impose sharia? Not once. Their electoral program is [an] almost social
democratic [one]. So we're confronting a very different kind of
Fundamentalist party."


On a more fundamental level, one has to question Saghieh's invocation of
Karl Marx, which strikes one as only slightly less disingenuous than
Christopher Hitchens's defense of the invasion of Iraq on the basis of Karl
Marx's support for Lincoln (what a travesty!).

Although Marx never wrote in great detail about the problems of colonialism
and imperialism (a task left to a later generation of Marxists like Lenin),
he was alert enough to the problem to champion Irish self-determination. In
a letter to Engels dated November 2, 1867 Marx wrote: "I have done my best
to bring about this demonstration of the English workers in favour of
Fenianism.... I used to think the separation of Ireland from England
impossible. I now think it inevitable, although after the separation there
may come federation...."

Marx's criterion was based on class. The Irish were victims of national
oppression which had a dual character. Their religion and culture was held
in second-class status and they were treated as second class citizens. How
else would one describe the Shi'ites of Lebanon?

In a July 1 1985 Newsweek article, they were described as follows:

For as long as anyone can remember, the Shiites have been Lebanon's bottom
dogs, a downtrodden underclass of poorly educated farmers and villagers
virtually without a voice in running Lebanon. Maronite Christians have
dominated the government. Sunni Muslims, better placed and better padded,
prospered in business and politics, looking down on their Shiite brothers.
The Druse, a secretive Islamic splinter, excluded them. Palestinian exiles
took over Shiite turf in the south, behaving like an occupying army.
Elsewhere the Shiites have been geographically scattered, some living in
the slums of Beirut, others in the Bekaa Valley. But their high birthrate
has made them the largest single religious group in Lebanon.

Whatever else one might say about Karl Marx, he always took the side of the
underdog--despite specious arguments to the contrary by


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