> It is no different with George W. Bush.
Bush is a political fascist American brand or what Hillary Clinton called the far right and the CPUSA describes as ultra right and/or Christian right-wingers. Apparently the Christian in Christian right-wingers denotes a specific religious ideology, with varies greater North and south. <
It is no different with George W. Bush.
Bush is a political fascist American brand or what Hillary Clinton called the far right and the CPUSA describes as ultra right and/or Christian right-wingers. Apparently the Christian in Christian right-wingers denotes a specific religious ideology, (which varies profoundly) North and South.
For those interested, Christian right-wingers are also split, within and amongst themselves, on the Theological conception of the meaning and significance of Armageddon - Book of Revelations, and this Theological divergence, also has a North - South bias. This theological division in its North - South dimensions, is eerily reminiscent of the North South split within the Church leading up to the events culminating in the Civil War.  
Even more strange or rather, characteristically predictable, is the economic divergence and economic policy, that mirrors this same theological divergence.  
From the standpoint of the Bush W. sector of the old Southern wing of the ruling class, Clinton's support of NAFTA, was a concession it forced from him in support of that, which is distinctive to Bush W. economic policy, understood down here as Southernomics.
In many respects Clinton was a Southern Boy.
Melvin P.

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