On 10/25/06, Leigh Meyers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/25/06, Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"The term conjures up images of epicene tenured professors in places
like Boston or New York City signing petitions circulated by Joanne
Landy and clucking their tongues at the latest article in the NY Times
calling attention to Ahmadinejad's latest gaffe."

Well honestly, that's the image it conjures up for me, armchair

In my mind, "western" as it is being used here, describes the
Euroamerican tendency to over-intellectualize.

Plus, in the case of American leftists, an amazing ability to
criticize a poorer non-Western government for providing inadequately
what their own richer Western government refuses to provide (or to put
it differently, what they have been unable to extract from their own
richer Western government).

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