This is just the tip of the iceberg in idiocy. Its sectarian pro-Shiite 
policies in Iraq facilitated the American invasion and paved the grounds for 
the present civil war. What Bob G said yesterday i.e. the US is not winning is 
another smoke screen similar to that of Iraqi WMD. When hundreds of Iraqis die 
every day in sectarian fighting, the US wins on account of increasing global 
instability in the oil region, which is essential for its capital accumulation. 
Destroying Iraq is a clear victory for the US. And now just look at the results 
of Hizbollah's demonstartions in lebanon and the associated spill over from the 
Iraqi sectarian war. Already two Shiites have died in beirut. where will the 
short sighted sectarian based iranian policy leads, to a sunnite shiite split 
across the muslim world. Persian mullahs in power are a doosy.

----- Original Message ----
From: Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2006 11:35:33 PM
Subject: More idiocy from Iran

(The Iranian government wants to bring together people like Deborah 
Lipstadt representing the side that 6 million Jews got killed by Hitler and 
"the other side". What a joke. You might as well organize a conference with 
"both sides" on whether Black people are genetically inferior, or whether 
the Earth is flat or round.)

NY Times, December 5, 2006
Iran to Host Scholarly Seminar on Holocaust

TEHRAN, Dec. 5 — Iran will hold a two-day conference on the Holocaust next 
week in which more than 60 scholars from some 30 countries will 
participate, the Foreign Ministry said today.

The seminar is in response to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s comments last 
year, when he said the scale of the genocide of the Jews had been 
exaggerated, the deputy foreign minister, Manouchehr Mohammadi, told a news 
conference today. Mr. Ahmadinejad first stirred outrage in the West in 
December last year, when he called the Holocaust a myth. He has repeatedly 
said that the Holocaust has been used as a tool of propaganda, and banned 
scholars here from research on the subject. The president also sent a 
3,000-word letter to Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel outlining his 

Mr. Mohammadi said next week’s conference will “provide the opportunity for 
scholars from both sides to give their papers in freedom and without 
pre-conceived ideas.” He refused to give the names of the 67 international 
scholars he said were attending the seminar, out of concern that their 
countries would prohibit them from coming.



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