On 1/20/07, Mark Lause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think the only thing the Democrats want is plausible deniability as to
their complicity.

My predisposition is to make a sweeping prediction that Bush would never
invade Iran because he'd have someone around him who could see that there'd
be no way to get out of it easily.  I made that prediction about
Afghanistan, so I won't make it about Iran....

But I don't see anything substantive in anything the Democrats have done
thus far.  Have I missed anything?

At this point, almost anything, including mere statements, is better
than nothing.

Some of the local liberal and leftist Iranians are finally stirring
themselves up a bit, gearing up for the 27th, and I see some interest
in the action among others, too, but it won't be probably a big

But every little bit helps.

Robert Naiman's Just Foreign Policy has been doing the "Ask Your
Representative to Support 'Iran War Powers' Resolutions" campaign for
some time.

Ask Your Representative to Support 'Iran War Powers' Resolutions

President Bush has been threatening with both words and actions to
attack Iran. We need to act now to prevent yet another war.

The President has accused Iran of supporting attacks against U.S.
forces without offering evidence. In the last month, U.S. forces have
raided and detained Iranian diplomats in Iraq over the protests of the
Iraqi government. President Bush has also ordered a second group of
warships into the Persian Gulf, specifically targeting Iran.

Rep. Peter DeFazio has introduced a resolution stating that Congress
"strongly and unequivocally believes that seeking congressional
authority prior to taking military action against Iran is not
discretionary, but is a legal and constitutional requirement."

Rep. Walter Jones has introduced a resolution stating that "Absent a
national emergency created by attack by Iran, or a demonstrably
imminent attack by Iran, upon the United States...the President
shall...receive specific authorization pursuant to law from Congress,
prior to initiating any use of military force against Iran." Since
Rep. Jones is a Republican, it is more likely that Republican Members
of Congress would be willing to co-sponsor this Resolution.

You can use the tool below to ask your representative to co-sponsor
these resolutions. Having a lot of co-sponsors on these resolutions
will increase the pressure on the Administration not to attack Iran.


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