On 2/9/07, Sandwichman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2/9/07, David B. Shemano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Let's imagine a hypothetical 50 year old investment banker.  He owns
a mansion in >Connecticut and Upper East Side apartment, has a
beautiful second wife, vacations at the >finest resorts around the
world.  He loves wine and art, and has a magnificent collection of
>each which he truly appreciates.  Having plenty of money, he decides
to retire from >investment banking, spending his time managing his own
money and serving on various >charitable boards.

I don't trust the guy. He's up to no good. Probably selling crack or
making home prono videos.

Or funding a left-wing journal, like the founders of Monthly Review or
the current editor of New Left Review.  But to think of doing
something like that, you had better be born rich rather than get rich
as an investment banker.

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