I wrote:
> 2.      Instead of government regulation of monopolies and pollution,
> artificial markets should be created in order to attain the highest
> degree of efficiency.

On 6/26/07, Michael Perelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The neo-liberals have no problem with monopolies.  Also, following Coase, 
people have to pay the polluters not to pollute?

Neoliberal ideology was behind the "reform" of the California
electrical power system, dealing with natural monopoly using
artificial markets. Of course, as you know, it was a grand success.

I don't know of anyone who takes that bit of Coase crap seriously.
Probably not even Coase himself...

It's good to hear that folks in Chico now get KPIG radio (via KZAP, I
believe). Too bad that the life of the on-line version is threatened
by excessive copyright fees.
Jim Devine / "Bong Hits 4 Jesus."

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