neoconservatism, as I understand it, is totally a matter of foreign
policy approaches. Some neocons lean toward New Deal liberalism on
domestic issues, I'm told. The neocon foreign policy approach seems a
matter of "the US is the world hegemon, so let's impose our values on
the world" (though this hasn't worked in practice).
Jim Devine / "Bong Hits 4 Jesus."

It started that way and remains so to a great extent, but one can
see glimmers of neo-fascist domestic policy.  Islamophobia partly
with reference to the French eruptions starts to morph into animus
towards immigrants who "won't assimilate" and multiculturalism.
This dovetails with the long-standing neo-con problems on race.
As well, political loyalty to Bushismo and an interest in catering
to Bush's nativist base leads any domestic liberal/neo-con
to downplay any differences.

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