Uncle Sam, Your Banker Will See You Now
By Paul Craig Roberts
08/08/07 "ICH"


This is a grim outlook. We got in this position because our leaders are
ignorant fools. So are our economists, many of whom are paid shills for some
interest group. So are our corporate leaders whose greed gave China power
over the US by offshoring the US production of goods and services to China.
It was the corporate fat cats who turned US Gross Domestic Product into
Chinese imports, and it was the “free trade, free market economists” who
egged it on.

How did a people as stupid as Americans get so full of hubris?

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan
administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial
page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The
Tyranny of Good Intentions.
Roberts fits comfortably within the Buchanan-Dobbs school of conservative
opinion (nativist, protectionist, isolationist) which has echoes in it of
the old US populist movement, at least its right wing. While these folks
share some of the left's traditional critique of finance capital and US
intervention abroad, their analyses are pretty shallow and prescriptions for
change generally reactionary. His statements that "we got into this position
because our leaders are ignorant fools" and "a people as stupid as
Americans" are revealing.

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