On Dec 13, 2007 5:35 PM, Sandwichman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  What I want to know is can you make soup out of worthless financial assets?
> If you can, what is the recipe? If you can't, why bother talking about the
> credit crises?

Sure you can.
1) Take Worthless Financial Assets (WFA) par value $10.00, default risk 90%.
2) Borrow $10.00 from friend.
3) Buy 9 WFAs from your college buddy who runs a hedge fund for $9.00.
4) Combine the 10 worthless financial assets and split them up into 5 tranches.
5) Pay Moody's $1.00 to rate highest tranche at AA par value $20.00.
6) Create SIV with AA tranche as only asset.
7) SIV goes to Fed discount window and borrows $11.29 and gives you a
special dividend.
8) Return $10.00 to friend.
9) Buy soup for $1.29 from Sandwichman.


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