Charles Brown wrote:
> CB: I'm thinking the majority of Americans will still vote for a white
> man over a woman or a Black person.

I think this oversimplifies how _subjective_ racism works, and the form
that subjective racism has increasingly taken. The stereotypes have
changed, and while placing integrated public housing in a mostly white
suburb might bring back the KKK, a black in the white house, providing
he assures them that the "struggle days" are in the past, could be
appealing. And Obama is going out of his way to assure people that there
will be no more unpleasant marches etc. Liberal racists desire above all
to be assured that black-white conflict is no more and that all will
remain as it is. A black president of the right kind might give that

Now a woman president -- that's another matter. Sexism is NOT misogyny.
The first time Jan was elected to the presidency of her APWU local she
won by just two or three votes, despite the fact that her opponent was
the most unpopular president the local had ever had, hated by almost
all, and she was supported by the very popular outgoing president. After
the first year, she always won in landslides. People (dnot just men but
a lot of sincere flaming feminists) without quite being conscious of it
simply are made uneasy by the idea of a woman at the top. And men who
sncerely try not to be sexist are obscurely angered by a woman who
crosses them vigjorously while they would more or less ignore the same
behavior in another man.

I would not dream of voting for Clinton or any other Democrat but in the
spirit of the sports fan before the tv set, I hope Clinton wins.


> What do the polls on head to head Dem/Reps show ?

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