On Feb 5, 2008, at 5:58 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

Don't be silly.

Why not?

I have the same kind of dust-ups with a character
named Walter Lippmann on Marxmail who has set himself up in
relationship to Cuba that Yoshie has to Iran.

Walter Lippmann?! And I am being silly?! ;-)

Re: Yoshie on Marxmail etc, I have no comments. I am not on the list
and have no idea what that was all about. Re: Yoshie on Iran, I have
found her to be the most level-headed and thoughtful (and  thought-
provoking) of contributors on the matter. Its your call of course on
what you deem acceptable on your list. The point regarding Yoshie (and
my substitution in Carrol's text) is not whether she is banned (or
chooses to withdraw) from lists, but the sort of response(s) she seems
to evoke (not universal). Anyway, I am sure MP is not going to look
kindly (and understandably so) on discussion of individuals on PEN-L,
so I will try to refrain from further commentary on this fork of the


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