> > I know it's a cliché, but whatever happened to "optimism of the will,
> > pessimism of the intellect"?

Julio Huato wrote:
> How is voting for Hillary, McCain, Huckabee, Paul, Gravel, Nader, the
> SWP, etc. -- or not voting! -- a manifestation of this "optimism of
> the will"?

I interpret "optimism of the will" as involving seeing all the
relevant possibilities for future social change, and then being
willing to act to produce the best possible change. On the other hand,
pessimism of the intellect tells us not to rely on the best (or even
the good) change happening. (Or maybe I'm misinterpreting Gramsci.)

_Any_ kind of voting involves optimism of the will, since one person's
vote does not matter at all.
Jim Devine / "Segui il tuo corso, e lascia dir le genti." (Go your own
way and let people talk.) --  Karl, paraphrasing Dante.

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