Louis Proyect wrote:

> I thought it was fairly shrewd of him [David Brooks] to make the case
> that the next Democratic president will run the country like Bill Clinton,
> whether it is his wife or that "change" guy.

It's not shrewdness.  It's wishful thinking.

Of course, in politics, anything can happen -- as Babe Ruth would say
of baseball.  Even Brooks' fantasies might be realized.

But the fact is that the fundamental political conditions of the
country have changed in the last 7 years.  Bush happened.  9/11
happened.  The war on Afghanistan and Iraq happened.  Katrina
happened.  The need for universal health care is more widespread and
intense now than it's ever been.  The level of political
participation, whichever way we measure it, has increased
significantly.  The ideological center of gravity of the country has

Just so that the obvious is transparent enough: That doesn't mean that
I'm predicting a proletarian revolution in the U.S.  I just think that
Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama -- or even McCain -- will not be
likely to run the country the way Bill Clinton did.  There are
hardened public expectations and political forces non-existent back
then that will constrain their actions.  There will be struggle and
the outcome is to be decided.

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