Actually, I was thinking in more global terms, including Britain, France, ...

On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 12:56:01PM -0500, Louis Proyect wrote:
> I would look at it a different way. Since the late 1970s, American
> capitalism has had a need to attack wages, working conditions, the
> social safety net, etc. in order to maintain its dominance in the world
> market. Every single president, either Democrat or Republican, has been
> on board for this agenda. This will remain true. The only way to defend
> wages, working conditions and the social safety net is the same way as
> during the 1930s: militant mass action. The sole purpose of the
> Democratic Party is to preempt such action by promising pie in the sky.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

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