On Fri, Aug 03, 2007 at 08:31:30PM -0400, Ricardo SIGNES said:
> I can have a brief look, but I have never, ever used Email::Store.  I only
> updated a few CLEARLY busted things to bring it under the care of PEP.  I 
> think
> there are some others here who have more experience with it.

Email::Store is, if not abandonware at the moment, definitely sleeping. 

I took over maintenance when the OA lost interest then the project I was 
using it for went away and various bits of life whacked me over the 

I have, sitting aorund somewhere, a more sane design that's about 80% 
done. Part of the reason that it's not finished is that I actually see 
it as two seperate but intertwined projects - 

1) A project that allows a single point of access to a mail store 
   including adding messages, iterating through all the messages, 
   retrieving a message with given message-id, deleting messages. 
   Basically a combination of Email::Folder, ::Delete and 
   ::LocalDelivery with a nice wrapper round them. This should have the 
   usual backends - mbox, MH, maildir and also maybe DB. I'd be willing 
   to give up the Email::Store namespace for this.

2) A project like a combination of the current Email::Store and 
   Beagle/Dashboard in which a mail comes in an aquires various 'clues' 
   which plugins provide. 

Unfortunately my current need for such stuff has passed me by and I'm 
low on tuits. 

Eitherway, Email::Store, as is, is currently effectively unmaintained. I 
don't think it would take *that* much work to clean up the bitrot and 
there's some stuff to do to make it work on Postgres. It might even be 
nice to port it to DBIx::Class or Data::ObjectDriver or whatever. But as 
it stands I'm not going to do it.


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