The Rockefeller World, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission by Andrew Gavin Marshall - Recently by Andrew Gavin Marshall: Punishing Pakistan and Challenging China

Is it Necessary to Stage a Global Bilderberg Protest?
While I do feel that Bilderberg motives and agendas are vastly exaggerated, I am more inclined to agree with Guardian journalist Charlie Skelton, who followed the Bilderberg conference of 2010 that was held in Sitges, Spain In an article for The Guardian titled, “Bilderberg 2010: Why the protestors are your very best friends”, he wrote: “Bilderberg is an absurdity. The secrecy is absurd. The lack of a relationship between the event and the mainstream media is absurd. The paranoia of the participants is more than absurd – it’s pathetic.” As I open a letter from the bank informing me that I have incurred yet another £30 charge for going £1.50 overdrawn, a charge that will disrupt my extremely tight monthly budget, my mind is filled with anger at the “fat cat” bankers, whose bonuses may run into billions in 2011. I cannot help but feel admiration towards the Bilderberg protestors. At least they are putting their money – or maybe the lack of it – where their mouth is.

Masonic Leaders Meet EU Bosses to Talk “Democracy”
Written by Alex Newman    -    Monday, 05 December 2011 06:00

Top Masonic leaders met with the heads of European Union institutions to discuss spreading “democracy” and human rights in Europe and throughout the EU’s so-called “neighborhood,” according to a press release issued by the Brussels-based emerging continental government. Critics of the supranational regime, meanwhile, pointed out the irony of unelected regional rulers discussing democracy — especially after the EU-backed overthrow of democratically elected leaders in Italy and Greece in recent weeks.

The November 30 meeting, "A partnership for democracy and shared prosperity: a common willingness to promote democratic rights and liberties," was hosted by EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso, a former underground Maoist leader in Portugal before adopting a more moderate stance and entering the political world. Among the EU officials in attendance at the gathering were European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek and EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy.

"Building a future based on democracy, pluralism, the rule of law, human rights and social justice is a task and ambition of the European Union, and much still remains to be done, not only in the neighborhood of the European Union, but in our own countries, too,” Commission President Barroso said in a statement. “I am glad to see that participants share a deep concern for the promotion of those values which are and have to remain at the core of the European project."

European Free Masonic leaders at the meeting included Grand Master Guy Arcizet of the Grand Orient de France, President Joseph Asselbergh of the Grand Orient de Belgique, Grand Master Radu Balanescu of the National Grand Lodge of Romania, and Grand Master Paul Geisen of the Grande Loge de Luxembourg, as well as top Masonic chiefs from Portugal, Italy, Germany, and more. Secular and humanist organizations were also represented.

"A general concern by really most participants was that in the current crisis, there is a risk that democratic values and liberties are being downgraded," Commission spokesman Jens Mester was quoted as saying in the EU Observer after the gathering. European Humanist Federation chief David Pollock, who also attended the meeting, said atheists were not well-represented enough and that the EU and its “technocrats” were assuming ever-greater powers at the expense of democracy and freedom. Apparently others at the meeting share his view about the troubling trends in the regional system.

But the EU did not mention any of that. According to the press release about the summit, participants “welcomed the EU’s engagement to promote and protect democratic rights and liberties inside the European Union and beyond.” They also expressed their willingness to work with European institutions to promote “democracy,” “social justice,” and more, the statement said.

Ironically, the “democracy” meeting took place “in the context of the Treaty of Lisbon,” the EU explained. Critics of the treaty — essentially a repackaged version of the European “Constitution” rejected multiple times by voters — have noted that it was foisted on the population in the most undemocratic, top-down way possible.

And the total lack of concern for voters has only increased in recent months as the economic crisis continues to wreak havoc across the bloc. Using “financial stability” as justification, for example, the EU is quietly foisting a bailout machine on euro-zone members that would require unlimited amounts of taxpayer cash on demand, with no input from national governments or citizens. Critics say the mechanism represents a “dictatorship” and a “treaty of debt.”

Several days before the meeting, the EU also stepped up its anti-democracy bullying of democratic Switzerland, threatening Swiss voters with “retaliation measures” if citizens in the prosperous non-EU nation refused to vote for higher tax rates. The country’s long tradition of direct democracy has proved extraordinarily troublesome to the supranational regime as low taxes in Switzerland continue to attract businesses and capital away from high-tax EU jurisdictions.

Incredibly, the same day as the “democracy” summit with Masonic leaders, the EU’s appointed “President” Herman Van Rompuy emphasized that voting was largely irrelevant when it comes to major issues. "We have to show that the euro is an irreversible project — an irreversible project," he said, despite the fact that the single currency has become increasingly unpopular among Europeans who were overwhelmingly opposed to the scheme even before the crisis.

Barroso echoed those sentiments. The same day as the “democracy” meeting, he, too, called for steps to be taken to change the EU “to show one very important thing — that the euro is irreversible, that all the member states of the European Union and of the euro area remain united supporting their common currency."

But the anti-democratic attitude of the EU and its unelected rulers has not gone unnoticed. “By any objective measure, the Euro is a failure. And who is actually responsible, who is in charge? Well of course the answer is none of you, because none of you have been elected, and none of you have any democratic legitimacy for the roles you currently hold within this crisis,” said European Minister of Parliament Nigel Farage of the UK Independence Party, one of the better-known critics of the EU whose passionate speeches have been viewed by millions around the world.

“When [former Greek Prime Minister George] Papandreou got up and used the word 'referendum' — [European Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli] Rehn, you described it as a ‘breach of confidence,’ and your friends here got together like a pack of hyenas, rounded on Papandreou, had him removed, and replaced by a puppet government,” Farage explained during a speech in the European Parliament last month. “What an absolutely disgusting spectacle that was.”

After Greece, the undemocratic EU regime-change apparatus targeted Italy’s elected leader next, Farage continued. “Not satisfied with that, you decided that [former Italian Prime Minister Silvio] Berlusconi had to go. So he was removed and replaced by Mr. Monti, a former European Commissioner, a fellow architect of this euro disaster, and a man who wasn’t even a member of the Parliament,” he said, referring to Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission leader Mario Monti, a Goldman Sachs adviser who was installed in power after Berlusconi’s removal.

The harshest criticism, however, was reserved for EU President von Rompuy. “I was wrong about you.... I said you’d be the quiet assassin of nation-state democracy, but you’re not anymore, you’re rather noisy about it,” Farage declared as Rompuy squirmed in his seat. “You, an unelected man, went to Italy and said ‘this is not the time for elections, but the time for actions.’ What in God’s name gives you the right to say that to the Italian people?”

Officials in the regional regime meet regularly with religious representatives and other civic leaders. In May, Barroso hosted “senior representatives” of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism for a similar “democracy” meeting. According to a statement released at the time, EU bosses were trying to “build a Partnership” with religious figures while drumming up support for integration and the European project among their communities.

"Our European Union relies on foundations that it cannot create itself. It relies on the beliefs and convictions of its citizens. It relies on organized communities of values. We need religious as well as philosophical and non-confessional organizations to build and cherish our common values,” said European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek in a statement after last week’s meeting with Masonic leaders. “We need them to build bridges to other parts of the world, especially to our neighborhood. This is why today's dialogue is so important."

It remains unclear why unelected EU bosses spend so much time touting “democracy” while openly undermining the will of citizens more and more frequently. But even if the regional regime in Brussels were promoting democracy, some of the world’s most important thinkers — including many of America’s Founding Fathers — have pointed out that the rule of law and protection of individual rights under a republican form of government is far superior to mob rule.

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Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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