The Council on Foreign Relations was incorporated in 1921 along with
England’s Royal Institute of Affairs. These organizations grew out of
a Secret Society called the Roundtable Groups created by Cecil Rhodes The goal of the group was One World
Government controlled by members of  their group.
The CFR has controlled every US presidential administration from 1921
until the present. They surround the president with group members who
make his policy decisions. These decisions are not made in the best
interest of the American people.  They are made in the best interests
of the CFR and its corporate members. The corporate members profiting
most are the Military Industrial Complex. The CFR control of the US
government has kept the US in a state of endless unwinnable wars for
the last 90 years. The UK’s Royal Institute of International Affairs
( aka Chatam House ) and RIIA’s in other nations have worked in the
same manner.

This article is written by Leslie Gelb President Emeritus of the
Council on Foreign Relations. It predicts who will be taking top jobs
in the next United States presidential administration. The US public
are unaware of who is running their country. They are unaware that the
Council on Foreign Relations has been working hard to destroy their
Constitutional Liberties and Sovereignty for almost one hundred years.
Council on Foreign Relations member Anne-Marie Slaughter’s latest book
says that the Council on Foreign Relations Global Imperial Network has
been achieved

The article has been modified to indicate people mentioned who belong
to the CFR. A copy of the CFR membership roster can be found here

The Next D.C. Power Brokers: Who’ll Replace This Obama Team?
Dec 3, 2011 5:50 PM EST

With the 2012 elections already hovering, it’s time to make new
friends and renew friendships with old enemies who have prospects for
power positions, advises Leslie H. Gelb.

It’s not too soon to start cozying up to the future stars who will
hold the glamour power positions in Washington after next November’s
elections. It’s time to stop saying unkind things about those with
prospects, even in private. All this good behavior and restraint makes
for boring conversations. But business is business. Already,
speculations are whispered about the next bunch of winners and losers,
all below the radar to be sure. Yes, it is necessary to pay attention
to the obvious choices who sometimes, only sometimes, land the
predicted jobs. But turn on the radar for the over-the-horizon
surprises that inevitably materialize. Be creative, starting at the
top of the ladder.

Sure, it’s almost certain Barack Obama will run again and maybe even
win. But what if the economy really takes another dip, despite
Friday’s announcement that unemployment has come down? And what if he
starts to do really terribly in the polls against one of the
powerhouse Republican candidates like Mitt Romney or mighty Newt
Gingrich? He might just decide to go back to Chicago Law School, in
which case, the Democrats have a terrific candidate staring them in
the face: Joseph Biden.

Biden has done a magnificent job as the veep. He’s probably handled
the negotiations with Republicans over the economy and federal budget
better than the president himself. He certainly talks more plainly and
effectively to the public than Obama. On foreign policy, Obama would
have saved himself a lot of grief had he followed Biden’s advice on
many occasions. In particular, a year ago, Biden urged the president
to adopt an antiterrorist strategy in Afghanistan rather than pursuing
the fruitless and high-troop-level counterinsurgency strategy. Biden
would be a very strong candidate against any Republican and wouldn’t
carry much of Obama’s baggage.
Whether it’s an Obama or Biden administration in 2013, look for many
new faces in key places. If (CFR member) Tom Donilon, whose position
is strong, decides to leave his post as national security adviser, the
line of likely successors would be long: Denis McDonough, the present
deputy, also known as the Lord High Executioner for Obama; If  (CFR
member)Jim Steinberg, recently retired as deputy secretary of state
and now at Syracuse; or Harvard’s (CFR member) Joe Nye. Two insiders
with the strongest reputations and the most talent are (CFR member)
Mike Froman, currently Obama’s international economics adviser in the
White House; and (CFR member) Tony Blinken, Biden’s national security
chief. Support is also building for Stephen Colbert.

Hillary Clinton is almost certainly leaving the State Department. The
three most-talked-about replacements are Sen. (CFR member) John Kerry,
who has already undertaken many diplomatic missions for Obama and is
chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; (CFR member) Susan
Rice, the U.N. ambassador; and Brookings president (CFR member) Strobe
Talbott. Stephen Colbert is a long shot.

Almost everybody I know is deserving of at least a cabinet position in
Washington. If anyone feels left out, he or she should write me

Leon Panetta could keep his post at defense, since the military
already loves him for protecting their budget. Other possibles are
(CFR member) Ashton Carter; the current No. 2 at the Pentagon; and
Center for Strategic and International Studies president (CFR member)
John Hamre; or former Navy Secretary Richard Danzig.

(CFR member) Tim Geithner will be leaving the Treasury to return to
dreamy Larchmont, N.Y. Two of the strongest contenders to replace him
are (CFR member) Vincent Mai, one of Wall Street’s finest, former head
of AEA Investors and a Democrat; and (CFR member) David Rubenstein,
cofounder of the Carlyle Group. Another possibility is (CFR member)
Kenneth Chenault, who runs American Express. Never count out (CFR
member) Roger Altman, financial success and former Treasury No. 2.

Other foreign policy and national security stars to watch: Heather
Hurlburt, who runs the National Security Network; (CFR member) Suzanne
Nossel, who recently left a key post at the State Department; Daniel
Feldman of the State Department; foreign-policy expert (CFR member)
Nina Hachigian; and defense expert Brian Katulis; and Diamond (CFR
member) Derek Chollet, now of the NSC staff. There are also three
standouts at the Council on Foreign Relations: Elizabeth Economy on
China, Isobel Coleman on international economics, and Julia Sweig on
Latin America. The stars from this pack certain to haul in high posts
are Jake Sullivan, now director of the State Department Policy
Planning staff; and (CFR member) Mathew Spence, formerly special
assistant to (CFR member) Tom Donilon.

For a Republican president, the national security adviser job might go
to Richard Haass, now president of the Council on Foreign Relations;
(CFR member) Richard Burt, former ambassador to Germany; (CFR member)
Dov Zakheim, former senior official in the Pentagon; and a number of
senior military officers who have worked closely with Republicans over
the years. Good money is also being placed on (CFR member) Nick Burns,
the former super diplomat now at Harvard. Burns could serve the
Democrats as well.

Foggy Bottom could turn out to be home to Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.);
Richard Armitage, former No. 2 at state to (CFR member) Colin Powell;
and Jon Huntsman, former ambassador to China and a Republican
candidate for president. And if she seeks a return to State Department
haunts, (CFR member) Paula Dobriansky will land a top position. Then,
of course, there’s Michele Bachmann’s  husband, Marcus, who can bring
his “pray the gay away” philosophy to American diplomacy.

At the Department of Defense, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is
bound to be high on the list. Mike Mullen, the retired former chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, would be a leading candidate along with
former four-star Army Gen. (CFR member) David Petraeus, now hidden
away at the CIA. Bill Kristol might accept the job if the Department
of Defense returns to its old and glorious name, the War Department.

At Treasury, a Republican president might well turn to (CFR member)
Robert Zoellick, now president of the World Bank and formerly a senior
official in several Republican administrations. (CFR member) Jamie
Dimon, now chairman of JPMorgan Chase and an amateur boxer when he was
unemployed for two years, might be another name discussed. Paul Ryan,
the Tea Party congressman of draconian budget fame, also will be part
of the Treasury mix. A long shot may be former IBM chief (CFR member)
Louis Gerstner.

Upcoming foreign-policy stars for the Republicans don’t have a
substantial presence in the op-ed pages and journals and at foreign-
policy conferences. One name that keeps popping up is Peter Schweizer
of the Hoover Institution and someone who helped out half-Gov. Sarah
Palin. Former George W. Bush national security adviser on Iraq Brett
McGurk, emerging whiz, is also a contender, as is Danielle Pletka of
the American Enterprise Institute. And someone named Hannah Montana.

Keep in mind that the inside track for most high-level positions often
goes to those most closely advising the successful presidential
candidate. They get to work with the big dog intimately and often,
dump on the competition, and thus develop the necessary mutual
confidence and trust. Look for those names most of all as the funny
season begins next spring and summer. And save those lunch dates

Without doubt, deserving names have been omitted here. The explanation
in every case is oversight and forgetfulness, not malice. Almost
everybody I know is deserving of at least a cabinet position in
Washington. If anyone feels left out, he or she should write me
directly. I will not forsake this very important subject.

Like The Daily Beast on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for updates
all day long.

Leslie H. Gelb, a former New York Times columnist and senior
government official, is author of Power Rules: How Common Sense Can
Rescue American Foreign Policy (HarperCollins, 2009), a book that
shows how to think about and use power in the 21st century. He is
president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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