Does the Council on Foreign Relations Control the US Department of States' 
International Security Advisory Board?

The US Department of States International Security Advisory Board website 
tells us :

“The Secretary of State's International Security Advisory Board (ISAB) 
provides the Department with independent insight and advice on all aspects 
of arms control, disarmament, international security, and related aspects 
of public diplomacy. The ISAB is sponsored and overseen by the Under 
Secretary for Arms Control and International Security. The Board provides 
its recommendations to the Secretary of State. The Board is chartered to 
have up to 30 members. Board members are national security experts with 
scientific, military, diplomatic, and political backgrounds. The Board 
meets in a plenary session on a quarterly basis.”  (**<>)

What the website keeps secret is that the US Secretary of State is Hillary 
Clinton who is married to Council on Foreign Relations member William 
Clinton. Also missing from the website is that of the 30 Board members 10 
are Council on Foreign Relations members and 2 are Council on Foreign 
Relations senior fellows. Five Hundred unelected government officials, 
including the 10 ISAB Council on Foreign Relations members surround the 
President of the United States and shape his thoughts and actions. The 
Corporate members of the Council on Foreign Relations use a legalized form 
of bribery called lobbying to buy members of the US House and Senate and 
control congressional legislation. The CFR corporate members profit from 
keeping the world in a state of constant endless war. They profit from 
selling weapons of death and destruction and they profit from rebuilding 
what they destroy. 

The US government is not a government of the people, by the people and for 
the people. It is a government of CFR members, by CFR members and for CFR 
members. It is a Council on Foreign Relations run Oligarchy. The government 
of the UK is no better. In the UK the Royal Institute of International 
Affairs ( Chatham House ) runs the country in the same manner. The CFR and 
RIIA are sister organizations formed from Cecil Rhodes’ Roundtable groups 
and born on the same night  the WWI Peace Conference ended.

How can the International Security Advisory Board provide the State 
Department with independent insight & advice on all aspects of arms 
control, disarmament, international security, and related aspects of public 
diplomacy, if it is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations?


The ISAB list of board members follows.  The CFR members and senior fellows 
have been identified.

Secretary of State’s International Security Advisory Board members ( **<>)

·         CFR member Dr. Graham Allison, Director of the Belfer Center for 
Science and International Affairs and Douglas Dillon Professor of 
Government at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government; 

·         Dr. Michael Anastasio, former Director of Los Alamos National 
Laboratory and Livermore National Laboratory; 

·         Dr. Bruce Blair, President of the World Security Institute and 
Co-founder of Global Zero; 

·         Hon. Douglas Bereuter, former Republican Congressman from 

·         CFR member Mr. Joseph Cirincione, President of Ploughshares Fund; 

·         CFR member Mr. Charles B. Curtis, Senior Advisor to the Center 
for Strategic and International Studies and President Emeritus of the 
Nuclear Threat Initiative; 

·         Hon. Robert Terry Everett, former Republican Congressman from 

·         CFR member Ambassador Robert Gallucci, President of the John D. 
and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; 

·         Ambassador James Goodby, former career minister in the Senior 
Foreign Service; 

·         CFR member Dr. Robert E. Hunter, Director of the Center for 
Transatlantic Security Studies at the National Defense University; 

·         CFR member Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, President of Rensselaer 
Polytechnic Institute; 

·         CFR senior Fellow Dr. Raymond Jeanloz, Senior Fellow in the 
Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science and Professor of Earth and 
Planetary Science and Astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley; 

·         Dr. David A. Kay, former head of the Iraq Survey Group and UN 
Chief Weapons Inspector; 

·         CFR senior Fellow Lieutenant General Frank Klotz, (USAF, Ret.), 
Senior fellow for strategic studies and arms control at the Council on 
Foreign Relations (CFR) and former Commander, Air Force Global Strike 

·         CFR member General Montgomery C. Meigs, USA (Ret.), President and 
CEO of Business Executives for National Security; 

·         Rep. Harold P. Naughton Jr., member of the Massachusetts House of 

·         CFR member Dr. William Perry, the Michael and Barbara Berberian 
Professor (emeritus) at Stanford University and former U.S. Secretary of 

·         Mr. Robert N. Rose, Executive Vice President, Head of Federal 
Account Government Management at Thomson Reuters; 

·         CFR member Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, USAF (Ret.), President of 
The Scowcroft Group Inc. and former National Security Advisor to Presidents 
Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush; 

·         CFR member Mr. Walter Slocombe, Senior Counsel in the law firm of 
Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered and former Under Secretary of Defense for 

·         Dr. James A. Tegnelia, President and Owner of DBE Consulting LLC 
and former Director of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency; 

·         Mr. William H. Tobey, Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center for 
Science and International Affairs at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy 
School of Government; 

·         Dr. Ellen D. Williams, Chief Scientist for BP p.l.c. and former 
Distinguished Professor in the Institute of Physical Science and Technology 
and the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland; 

·         Dr. Joan B. Woodard, Presiding Director, Member of Nominating & 
Governance Committee and Member of Compensation & Human Resources Committee 
for PNM Resources Inc. and former Executive Vice President and Deputy 
Laboratories Director for Nuclear Weapons at Sandia National Laboratories. 

Learn about the Council on Foreign Relations **<>

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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