What’s NOT in Norway Massacre 22/7 Commission Report

3. november 2012 av Torstein Viddal

Sometimes it can be more interesting to look for what’s NOT covered in
a commission report after a major terror incident, than reading what’s
actually there.

Those familiar with the 9/11 Commission Report, for example, will have
noticed that the collapse of the skyscraper WTC7 – almost twice the
hight of our own Oslo Plaza – isn’t mentioned with a single word in
the report, that was published at the end of July 2004, almost 3 years
after the event.

In Norway we ended up with a 22/7 Commission Report that doesn’t
mention these three crucial elements:

1) The report doesn’t mention the fact that Vaalstua farm was rented
from a [?convicted NOKAS bank robber, an accomplice in the NOKAS
robbery of 2004, or that it was this convicted felon?] who recently
had used Vaalstua as a cannabis farm.

2) The report also doesn’t mention the reported fact that the DELTA
force, the police anti-terror force, held a 5-day anti-terror and anti-
massacre drill in the Oslo area from Monday 18th through Friday 22th
July 2011. The drill reportedly ended at 3 pm.

Both of these bits of information are absolutely highly relevant to
the solving of this case, and they should therefore have been included
in the report.

Of all places, Breivik chooses to rent a farm in Rena, not far from
the main Army base in Southern Norway, and also the home base of the
Telemark Batallion, and from a former grower of cannabis (at the farm)
and [?convicted robber from the NOKAS robbery?], where a policeman was
shot dead. Maybe not the ideal place for someone who wants to hide
away and do his thing without interrupting visits from nosy police
patrols? But what do we know.

The DELTA force drill on the same day may have puzzled the Operation
Leader and probably also other key persons, who were left wondering
whether these events were «real world or exercise». Not including such
an important factor, one that also was already revealed by Aftenposten
and a host of other dayly newspapers back in August 2011, is a bit of
a scandal. But it gets even worse if the exclusion was intentional in
an attempt to obfuscate an important part of the Police Trail.

We can easily imagine that knowledge of this DELTA drill was an
important part of Breivik’s planning, execution and escape from
Grubbegata on Friday afternoon 22nd July 2011.

3) Neither does the report mention the directing role of the NATO and
its Gladio behind the terror of eg. the Bologna railway station
bombing in 1980, and the Munich Oktoberfest Bombing the same year,
both mentioned in the report, an omission that gives parliamentarians
and other citizens who read the report a false and twisted picture of
who has historically been behind terror in Europe since WW2.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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