Media Deaf, Dumb and Blind to Council on Foreign Relations ties to the 
Petreaus-Broadwell  adulterous affair.


The biggest news story in the US at the moment is the Adulterous Affair of 
CIA Director David Petreaus and Paul Broadwell his biographer. The latest 
breaking news is  NATO commander General John R. Allen is linked to the 
affair. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein has 
weighed in because questions have been raised as to whether or not 
Petreaus, who resigned over the affair, will now testify before congress 
regarding the terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.


Never mentioned in any of the stories is the fact that Petreaus, Broadwell, 
Allen, and Feinstein are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations. 
Five hundred unelected members of the CFR move from presidential 
administration to presidential administration and control the government of 
the USA. The Council on Foreign Relations controls the Department of 
Justice. The free press isn’t free it is a creature of the Council on 
Foreign Relations. It is a propaganda machine that sways public opinion to 
further Council on Foreign Relations goals; the transfer of wealth from the 
people to Council members  and Council member corporations. One way the 
Council on Foreign Relations have maintained their control is by hiding in 
the shadows and keeping a low profile. Very few American citizens have 
heard of the Council on Foreign Relations or are aware of the control the 
Council on Foreign Relations have over their lives. The Council on Foreign 
Relations runs the International  Military Industrial Complex and profits 
from endless wars. They profit from the sale of the weapons of death and 
destruction and profit from rebuilding what they destroy. The cold war 
ended in 1991 yet we have less freedoms today than we did back then. Wake 
up USA our Republic has been taken away.


David Petraeus affair with Paula Broadwell: timeline 

Read More:


Panetta Praises General Linked to Petraeus Scandal

Read More


Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein wants Petraeus to 
testify on Capitol Hill about the terror attack on the U.S. consulate in 
Benghazi, and is 'sure' it will happen

Read More:


John R. Allen, David Petreaus, and Paula Broadwell are all members of the 
Council on Foreign Relations. Five hundred unelected members of the CFR 
move from presidential administration to presidential administration and 
control the government of the USA. The Council on Foreign Relations 
controls the Department of Justice.


The Council on Foreign Relations run the DOJ DOJ/CFR relationship map


How the Council on Foreign Relations control the media


How the Council on Foreign Relations control the government


Council on Foreign Relations Membership List


Learn more about the Council on Foreign Relations

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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