Hello All,

My name is Fer, and I am from We Are Change Rotterdam (the Netherlands)

We are pleased to inform you about 3 of our interviews with Bilderbergers.

The newest one is an interview with Lodewijk de Waal ('99)
Dutch Union leader De Waal and Kissinger discussed Yugoslav war at Bilderberg '99.
On 14 November 2012, We Are Change Rotterdam spoke with former union
chairman, Lodewijk de Waal about the Bilderberg Meetings. He attended
himself in 1999 (Lodewijk J. de Waal Chairman, Dutch Confederation of
Trade Unions (FNV) in Sintra, (Portugal) and even talked to Henry
Kissinger (Kosovo Moderator op Bilderberg, 3-6 juni 1999). Given the
meeting between politicians, top CEOs of banks and multinationals, media
and even union chairmen; how does this relate to voters who are kept in
the dark even of the existence of a Bilderberg Group? How about
transparancy and secretiveness surrounding the Bilderberg?

Interview: http://youtu.be/vSTcjtKbqJY

The second interview is with Ruud Lubbers (1983, 1991, 1992, 1994)
We Are Change Rotterdam was at a congress in The Hague on 6 October 2012.
Ruud Lubbers; former Dutch  Prime Minister (1982 - 1994) ; UNHCR
Commissioner ; Honorary member of the Club of Rome ; Dutch Minister of
State attended the Bilderberg Conferences 4 times (1983, 1991, 1992 and
1994.) We asked him about expenses claims of the European commissioners
for attending Bilderberg Conferences. We also confronted him on his own
participation during the conferences. The former Prime Minister was
clearly not in the mood to talk the past.

Interview: http://youtu.be/i4shledyGPk

The third interview is Uri Rosenthal
On 25 August 2012, during the party congress of the VVD in Rotterdam, We
Are Change Rotterdam confronted Uri Rosenthal. Rosenthal, the outgoing
Minister of Foreign Affairs shows how transparent the VVD is about her
involvement with the Bilderberg Conferences. Mr. Rosenthal's official
invitation to Bilderberg 2011: "NLD Rosenthal, Uri, Minister of Foreign

Interview: http://youtu.be/hAKCVT2FhOs

We hope you like our interviews!

Kind regards,

Fer van Herwaarden

We Are Change Rotterdam

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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