First Bilderberg 2013 Participants & Agenda

Swedish Head Of Social Democrats First Admitted Bilderberg 2013
 Jurriaan Maessen - ExplosiveReports.Com - May 5, 2013

 Press-secretary of newly appointed head of the Swedish social-
democratic party admitted to a UK-based Bilderberg in early June,
announcing that the newly elected leader of the Swedish social-
democratic party, Stefan Löfven, will be the guest of Jacob
Wallenberg- a prominent member of the Bilderberg steering committee.

 Not only has the press secretary in question revealed the first
official Bilderberg participant of 2013, he also reaffirmed for us
that the meeting will take place in early June- confirming that which
we in the alternative media have already uncovered, most notably
thanks to the late, great Jim Tucker.

 Apparently a source of the newspaper first stated that the newly
elected leader of the Swedish social-democratic party will be present
at Bilderberg at the invite of Swedish philanthropist Jacob
Wallenberg. The article in Swedish national journal SvD Naringsliv

 “Stefan Löfven is invited and plans to attend this year’s Bilderberg
meeting in June. This has been gathered from informed sources,
indicated to SvD Business and has now been confirmed.”

 The confirmation of the paper’s inside information came from one of
Löfven’s press-secretaries, Erik Nises, who told SvD:

 “Yes, that’s right. Stefan is invited to the Bilderberg meeting. He
will be there, invited as a guest of Jacob Wallenberg.”

 Wallenberg, who is one of 35 members of Bilderberg’s steering
committee, has invited politicians (from all walks of conviction) and
businessmen from his home country before, so the SvD reports. Let’s
throw a brief glance at the agenda’s some of the other members of the
committee. The common denominator of their respective agenda’s is a
striking gap between June 6 and June 10 2013, in which timeframe not a
singel commitee member seems to have other engagements.

 Steering committee member Balsemão Francisco Pinto (President of the
European Publishers Council) will prelude his visit to Bilderberg by
attending a digital “festival” from may 29 to June 2. That other
member of Bilderberg’s steering commitee, Mr. Marcus Agius (former
head of Barclays), will presumably be in the area, perhaps combining
his responsibilities for the steering group with his activities as
trustee for London’s royal botanic gardens. It is a shame, by the way,
that his dedication to openness and honesty, described as some of his
most distinctive characteristic in his capacity of tree- and plant-
lover, doesn’t quite reflect his behavior when it comes to co-steering
the world’s most secretive of meetings. On June 11 2013 Agius is set
to interview a new appointment in London, which makes it certain that
this prominent member of Bilderberg’s steering committee will be in
the area in the days before.

 Another member of Bilderberg steering committee, Mr. Franco Barnabé,
will be flying in from Washington on June 6, where he will be present
at a conference from 09.00 to 10.00 a.m. US Time.- just in time
perhaps to join a cab to Bilderberg with yet another steering group
member, media mogul Juan Luis Cebrian, who is scheduled to speak on
June 19 at the Global Editors Network (GEN) News Summit in Paris,
joining the likes of Hu Shuli of Caixin Media and Jim Roberts of
Reuters Digital.

 As former head of Deutsche Bank and loyal member of Bilderberg’s
steering committee, Jozef Ackermann’s duty’s will take him to London
on May 20, speaking at the 2013 Global Leadership Summit at the London
Business School. This will also allow Mr. Ackerman to tend to his
responsibilities as non-executive director of Dutch Royal Shell on
Thursday May 23, 2013 in London, joining his fellow-Bilderberg buddies
Peter Voser and Gerard Kleisterlee at Shell’s annual general meeting.
Shell’s number one guy, Mr. Jorma Ollila- quite a prominent member of
the steering committee- will fly himself to Sweden after Bilderberg,
where he will deliver the opening keynote speech at Stockholm’s
Digital Horizon’s venue on June 12. Former head of the European
Central Bank Trichet will follow up his Bilderberg activities in
London speaking at the International Economic Forum Of the Americas on
June 12 in Montreal, where he is one of the featured speakers. Another
steering committee member, the Greek Loukas Tsoukalis, will be
attending a seminar organized by the Friends of Europe in Athens on
June 13, perhaps to enjoy euro-friendly afterglow to his Bilderberg
experience a couple of days before.

 Now it just so happens that shortly after the last limo has fled the
Grove premises, the 39th G8 summit will be held in Northern Ireland.
Here “our global leaders” will cozily align themselves with the
conclusions arrived at in the latest Bilderberg meeting.

Spanish Minister of Economy Confirmed For Bilderberg 2013

 Second confirmed Bilderberg participant made public
 Jurriaan Maessen May 15, 2013

 Another elected official is confirmed for Bilderberg 2013, this time
the spanish Minister of Economy and Competitiveness and former Lehman
Brothers advisor, Luis de Guindos. The minister will be attending at
the request of Bilderberg’s Spanish steering committee member Juan
Luis Cebrián.

 Spanish Minister of Economy and Competitiveness and former Lehman
Brothers adviser, Luis de Guindos.
 Only last week I confirmed the newly elected leader of the Swedish
social-democratic party, Stefan Löfven, has received an invite to the
exclusive meeting planned for Hertfordshire in the beginning of June.
De Guindos will be the second confirmed elected official participating
in the event. These announced participants will be followed up by many
more elected officials asked to join the secretive club at the Grove
Hotel, at taxpayer’s expense of course, even if Bilderberg itself
describes the annual meetings as “private”.

 The attendance of De Guindos at this year’s confab is interesting in
the fact that Spain is one of the first nations that found themselves
on the wrong end of the financial stick after the crisis hit home in
Europe- as was possibly arranged at last year’s meeting. As Daniel
Estulin reported on in 2012:

 “The key message from the (2012) meeting: come hell or high water, it
is imperative to preserve the functioning of the banking system. Spain
´s Vice President received a dose of humility when she tried to push
the issue of “responsibility” telling her high powered German
Bilderberg colleagues that they should issue Eurobonds to save the
system. The reply was more than telling: “go pound sand, little

 It’s important to make clear that the current Spanish Minister of
Economy and Competitiveness was an adviser to Lehman Brothers up to
2007, making him partially responsible for the mess that Spain is
finding itself caught up in a few years after.

 It’s significant that a member of Bilderberg’s steering committee
(Juan Luis Cebrián) is inviting De Guindos to the table this year. It
reveals that Bilderberg wants to make sure their pro-Euro policies
will be properly communicated to Spanish officials, who can then sell
it to the nation as a painful but necessary thing. Just like their
Greek counterparts, Spain’s elected officials are summoned to
Bilderberg to streamline the global objectives by a group of
international bankers with the preferred policy measures they would
like to see implemented. One could say that these elected officials
are committing a treasonous act, as they cannot disclose what has been
decided. Being a former Lehman Brothers adviser, the Spanish minister
probably won’t need too much encouragement to execute these

 To illustrate the involvement of the Spanish power structure in the
annual Bilderberg meetings, just check out the royal family’s
Wikipedia page, noting that all of the prominent members of the family
are members of Bilderberg. Queen Sofia attends Bilderberg on a very
regular basis, as does her husband King Juan Carlos. Now elected
officials get to go behind the backs of the Spanish people as they
swear alliance to an unelected and unaccountable body.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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