MP's Discuss Bilderberg in the House of Commons today

Osborne is in hiding!
Ken Clarke defends the secretive Bilderberg Group
 Minister without Portfolio Ken Clarke defends the Bilderberg Group
but admits he had "forgotten" that he was a member of the steering
committee who funded last week’s meeting.

6:16PM BST 10 Jun 2013

 The senior minister without portfolio was answering an urgent
question in the Commons from Michael Meacher, the Labour MP and former
minister, who asked why no official statement had been made about the
discussions at the meeting.

 Mr Clarke is one of three trustees of the Bilderberg Association, the
organisation that funded the conference last week.

 However, the senior Labour MP Tom Watson asked Mr Clarke whether he
had declared his trusteeship of the body that funded last week’s
meeting, the Bilderberg Association.

 Mr Clarke replied: “I am looking that up because I had forgotten that
I am actually a member of the steering committee.

 “When we were hosting at Watford, I discovered that amongst other
things, I am a trustee of the British steering group, so I am checking
with the aid of my constituency secretary, whether I put that in.
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 “I had completely forgotten that the thing was set up on that basis,”
he said.

 “The trustees have never met as trustees. All I actually do is sit as
a member of the committee and play my part in the organisation of a
meeting and that is all I have ever done.”

 He said he was checking his records to see whether he had informed
civil servants of his role, as would be expected to avoid potential
suggestions of a conflict of interest.

 Mr Clarke made the disclosure while answering questions over the
“private” meeting of 140 of the world’s most powerful executives,
politicians, ministers and advisers, which took place at a hotel near
Watford last week.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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