Tory Kenneth 'Bilderberger' Clarke and Tory Justice Secretary Chris Grayling's attempt to change the terms of Legal Aid have brought Barristers out on the streets for the first time in British history. We ask chief barrister at Albion Chambers Michael Fitton QC if he will take the government to court over the proposals and why he and his colleagues feel so strongly. The NATO zone elite Bilderberg conference is taking place in Watford with sole arbiter of the code of Parliamentary standards Tory Prime Minister David Cameron diving in too how can we ever trust him to judge cases of MPs' accountability again? We go back to Arnhem in 1944 to meet two men who were later to chair the Bilderberg meetings Captain Peter Carrington and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Former Captain in the 82nd Airborne Division T. Moffatt Burriss takes up the story. We look at the escape of Hitler's personal secretary Martin Bormann in 1945 and CBS news correspondant Paul Manning's book Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile and ask did Bormann take the loot from WW2 and use it to set up a financial power network where swastikas came of and suits went on to Nazi sympathisers? Manning's book certainly has the evidence. Idris Francis discusses on the phone his ideas about the EU and the Fourth Reich recounting a story his Uncle told him that a German officer under his guard turned to him, a Major at the time, and said 'you have beaten us twice now but the third time we will win and you won't know anything about it until it's all over'.

During the 1930s, the Nazi Party looted thousands of pounds, hiding the proceeds in secret accounts. The key to getting it back lay with Nazi treasurer, Martin Bormann. This book tells the story of Ian Fleming's raid to snatch Bormann out of Berlin. Creighton led a commando raid into the city.

The Book is called "The republic of the Unpunished Massacres", and deals with the Strategy of tension, Terrorist Campaign1969 to 1992. circa 20 odd years of the Terrorists attacks, murders banking scandals and other intrigues.

The book starts with some back ground details of the events during and immediately after WW2. The real live action movie started with the by the Allied forces invasion of Sicily , in 1943. To facilitate their plans for the invasion of Sicily the Americans had dealings with the Mafia, pretty much common knowledge , also confirmed by Judge Imposimato. Lucky Luciano, became a celebrity guest in Italy after the war and numerous deals scams were on going. People like Jimmy Hoffa U.S Government connection to the Mafia This story is all about connections so this is the first up.

In february 1946 Alcide De Gasperi had formed with Left Wing and Communists parties on board. The Americans were not down with at all. On the 19th of June the Italian Government informed the State Department that they would to fully collaborate with the Marshall Plan. The same year the National Security Council (NSC) Founded (1947) their very first document NSC 1/1 The position of the U.S with the respect to Italy gave the green light to covert operations in Italy. This doc was evidently added to on 14th November and Document 1/2 is dated 10th February 1948. Which contained more threats and ultimatums. Which amounted to if the Communists are in Power we will use all out economic and military and basically invade your country. Direct threats of military action were made on a number of occasions

So there was plenty of action on the main stage, war torn europe thousands of U.S troops stationed all over the continent, the americans had plenty of clout to back up their strong arm tactics. Judge Imposimato runs through all the official stuff but also adds details of who the operatives were and which dodgy organizations they were hooked up with one of the main angles in this story is freemasonry. IM is careful to add when a person is a mason and so it is with Harry Truman(freemason) from the Missouri Lodge. So while on the open hand the U.S was making threats of Economic Embargo and full scale invasions it was also sending in the Cavalry in the shape of a network of spies and people capable of organizing the bases for long term covert operations.

One such person was Frank Gigliotti He's like billed as a Minister of the Presbyterian Church, out of La Mesa California. Between 1941 and 1945 he was Chief advisor of the OSS in Italy. In 1947 he is back in Italy "putting the old war time OSS network back together" IM describes Gigliotti, an Ital-American born in Calabria, as an extremely talented and well connected individual. He certainly had connections to the Sicilian Mafia as well as a vast network of Freemasons. Imposimato, and others, state quite categorically that he was a Freemason and his role was to reorganize Italian Freemasonry to it's place on the up and coming fight against communism. One of his first tasks was to Unite the Two grand Lodges of Italy. The ALAM and the GRAND ORIENT of ITALIA. The ALAM had broken away when it decided to "accept" Fascism. This lodge was controlled by Sicilian Prince Giovanni Aliatta, who is basically a Right Wing Mafia Baron.

The OSS Network the Giglioitti would be from the Right Wing Establishment, Aristocrats, Bankers and Industrialists. The point it that the Gigliolitti was in touch with the Traditional Right, made up of Monarchists, republicans and the Right Wing of the Christian Democrats, we make a clear distinction between the Traditional Right and the Fascist Regime. The official reason for Gigliotti being in Italy was that he was promoting a campaign for religious freedom, see the news cutting image, dated 23 01 1947. He wrote some interesting texts, filed under right wing looney evangelical ravings,. He was involved with the Italian Labour Council which funded the anti communists and was linked to The American Committee for Italian Democracy, which Imposimato states (page 30) was polluted by Mafia and OSS / CIA agents. To coordinate the planned operation also Gigliotti set up a series of masonic lodges situated in each of the NATO bases in Italy. I'll make a separate list of these.

Judge Imposimato certainly adds plenty of details he includes background information on each of the individuals who played a pivotal role in the operation. In the case of Giollioti we learn that he is hooked up with various organizations that had suddenly appeared in the U.S. These propaganda style groups hit the scene almost immediately the Americans stormed onto the Sicilian beaches. Graffiti appeared from a separatist group who demand that Sicily be annexed from italy and become part of the USA. There was also a group called American Friends of Sicily. Imposimato states that it was through this group that the American Agent Michael Stern was put into contact with the Salvatore Giuliani, aka the Bandit Giuliana whom he was to supply arms to. Giuliani was responsible for the massacre at .. of Portella di Ginestra, where his gang fired of 800 rounds at local farm workers and other country people who were celebrating the workers holiday on May 1st 1947, 11 dead, 2 of them children and 27 seriously injured was the outcome. There are whole section on the various wheelings and dealings between the Americans and the mafia too much for me to go into. At point a message regarding The Bandit Giuliani is sent directly to President Truman who also send back a reply and is evidently very happy with the Bandits work. Frank Gigliotti also makes plain the U.S Position to Italian Government Minster Giuseppe Saragat, who is shocked and embarrassed to hear Gigliotti say that he totally approved of the Bandit Giuliani's methods !! .. So you kinda get the general gist of it, these people were not pussy footing about the place.

So U.S state department t, represented by Freemasons and already hooked up with the Mafia and the Right wing of italian Politics. So what's Vatican make of all this . Well for a start Imposimato states that there was a meeting between Freemasons and the Vatican at which an agreement was reached to create an alliance to fight communism. The group they set up, "Les Nouvelles équipes", was based in Brussels, so is NATO, and basically represent European Christian Democrats views. Was extremely pro EU and even more extremely anti communist. So the Vatican is on definitely on the band wagon, and more..

M.A.C.I. (Movimento Avantguardia Cattolico Italiano) was an armed militia group of angry catholics who were determined to "defend themselves" against the Communists they boasted an armed force of 100.000 all wearing fancy Italian tailored uniforms. They were supposed to be a secret group that no one knew anything about but in relality they had connections to certain Cardinals and other vatican high offices.

Last but not list the CIA had it's own Spies in the vatican one of these was Then there was Pro Deo run by Dominican Father Felix Morlion, of Flemish origin. Imposimato states quite clearly that this guy was a CIA spy. He liked to play with the big boys and was involved with the Cuban Missile crisis with JFK in the 60's, and also mentioned in declassified OSS documents. So everyone is hooked up with every one else. The CIA Spy master who was entrusted with running the show in Italy was James Jesus Angleton, I dunno if he was a freemason, but anyway he was a seriously dodgy customer with a life time of covert crimes in his locker. He's on Wikipedia and and he's role in Italy is mentioned in plenty of articles.

I think that's it on the basic set up and starting line up. I think I might call that part one. Imposimato use the expression Glued together by Freemasons on more than one occasion in the book and they do certainly seem to be the Interface between the various parties a sort of ever present flexible or even fluid that fills up all the cracks.

Imposimato explains about how the Americans interfered in Italian politics during the 1950's and as the Subversive network spread they were able to manipulate and control the Political Parties. Gladio (Stay Behind) was on the drawing board in the early sixties and up and running shortly afterwards. and at some stage of the game Gladio and the Stay behind Project was launched.

So into the swinging sixties Gigliotti's job is done and in 1963 he goes back to the states and leave Licio Gelli in charge of the by now up and running P2 Masonic Lodge. This guy is something else he holds no official role what so ever and he's swanning about in a Chauffeur driven Merc with CD (Diplomatic) plates and his brief cases crammed full of Top Secret Documents, Bundles of cash and Legal papers involving Multi Million deals and International bank transfers. This guy really takes the biscuit, the whole bloody tin. The P2 was a parallel government they virtually had control of the whole country and also international connections. He was the Arch Freemason with 360° connections, to everything and everyone. Mafia, Vatican, Secret Services Government Ministers the Lot !! .. He may not have controlled the Mafia but he controlled the Government and all the Institutions. He sold Exocets that sunk the pretty Warships in the falklands, to Argentina and was responsible for the banker Roberto Calvi dangling from Blackfriars Bridge with a couple of house bricks in each pocket. The P2 lodge actually exists from 1896, it was an Elite set up that wasn't going anywhere, a kinda empty shell that Gelli could set up to his own preferences. Imposimato makes it quite clear that Gelli had dealings with the Rizzoli Publishers who owned the Corriere della Sera, which regularly attended Bilderberg Conferences. In fact it is clear that Licio Gelli controlled this, Italy's number one Newspaper, for a number of years.

On Page 139 The judge informs us that the Club of Bern was the brainchild of Federico Umberto D'Amato (P2) , very close to Licio Gelli, the head of the Office of reserved affairs at the Interior Ministry (Viminale) in Rome. He also states that according to Documents discovered which show that the Club of Bern had theorized that it was necessary to infiltrate Left Wing groups. There is quite an detailed account of what the Club of bern was all about.

on Page 133 The Judge sites a document. KSD/IC-n.0307- 21.10.1969
Which states that in June 1969 Tens of NaATO Officers, including a number of Italians, under took training Program in West Germany. At Bad Ems about 15km East of Koblenz, At the MAD (Miliitarischer Absschirmdiennst) German Counter espionage Unit. At least some, probably all, of the Italians present on this course were right wing terrorists. Imposimato then goes into other evidence linking Neo fascists to Italian military and facilities.

He describes, on page 77 the Death of Guiseppe Pinelli, the anarchist made famous in the Play by Dario Fo, the accidental death of an Anarchist. Imposimato is firmly convinced that Pinelli's death was no accident, as laying the balm on the anarchists and framing them was part of the plan. Pinelli is said to have fallen fro a window of the Police station that he was being interrogated in. The next day the Anarchist issued a Communique stating that they and Pinelli were innocent and that the whole case against them was being set up by the Police. Not one single newspaper published their Article, not even the Communist paper L'Unita. At the time Imposimato was also taken in by the false trail which placed the blame for the Attacks at the door of the Anarchists.

Two thirds of the Way down page 36 .. indoor the Sub Heading of Kennedy and Moro in 1963.. He starts off saying that we the departure of Giolitti,, Licio Gelli assumed a crucial role in the fight against Communism in Italy. even though his methods were facing quite a bit of criticism from inside the ranks of the freemasons. At a reason meeting at the Rome Hilton, Brother Colonel Gelli (that's what's written) informed Brother Salvini that the Grand master had initiated 400 High ranking Miliatry officers and proposed a Government of Colonels, which was preferable to a Communist Government. He goes to say , But the winds were changing and in the Autumn of 1963 Aldo Moro (DC) was in the process of forming a Government with the Socialists. Kennedy was quick to support this move, and although there was a lot of resistance from U.S intelligence Kennedy supported Moro much to the total disgust of The CIA and Allen Dulles who were seriously pissed off about this. Moro was very pleased with Kennedy's show of support the support of the U.S president certainly helped him to establish his new government. But underworld or Intelligence and was thrown into turmoil and Kennedy was assassinated in September.. Moro would last until … Imposismato poses the question ccould JFK's death have had anything to do with his throwing a spanner in the Covert War against the Left that the U.S had been running in Western Europe (World) since the end of WW2. certainly with Gladio and the P2 they had built up a formidable Force which included criminal organizations that were capable of carrying out the assassination of JFK as we also know that these organizations worked alongside the CIA / NATO / and various other Intelligence services and Government Agencies. Imposimato just leaves a question mark (?) .. But you have to say the people running the covert operations in Italy were perfectly capable of carrying it out. Kennedy was certainly fair game.. On page 32 under the Title of : The Kissinger's memoirs IM quotes Kissinger from his book "The Years at the White House" as having been highly critical of the Americans of the Softly Softly approach taken by the Italian Authorities against the Communists. (He was clearly favored a strong arm tactics, like perhaps the bandit Giuliani ? ) (my comment in brackets)

So early sixties Giolitti has handed over the masonic reins to Licio Gelli, the P2 is up and running and is like a Coup d'eta sitting in Gelli's filing cabinet ready to be powered up and put into action. This is another Chapter of the story that could easily be treated as a separate case. This bloke was one of the OSS Fascist informers during WW2, who was recruited by them in 1943 as soon as his home town of Pistoia, Tuscany was liberated from the Nazis . He swanning about in a Chauffeur driven Merc with CD (Diplomatic) plates with a brief cases rammed full of Top Secret Documents, Bundles of cash and Legal papers involving Multi Million deals and International bank transfers. This guy really takes the biscuit, the whole bloody tin. The P2 was a parallel government they virtually had control of the whole country and also international connections. He was the Arch Freemason with 360° connections, to everything and everyone. Mafia, Vatican, Secret Services Government Ministers the Lot !! .. He may not have controlled the Mafia but he controlled the Government and all the Institutions. He sold Exocets that sunk the pretty Warships in the falklands, to Argentina and was responsible for the banker Roberto Calvi dangling from Blackfriars Bridge with a couple of house bricks in each pocket. The P2 lodge actually exists from 1896, it was an Elite set up that wasn't going anywhere, a kinda empty shell that Gelli could set up to his own preferences. (There's shedloads of material written about the P2, the point of interest in this article is that it was set up by the Americans as part of a well planned operation which basically amounted to them occupying europe, as is was happened with all the NATO bases). (my comment)

Yves Guérin-Sérac pops up on page 91, the Judge has got him down as a French Neo Nazi and says the Aginter Press was a recruiting and training center for Gladio operatives, he also gets a mention on pages 94 an 95, he name comes up in an investigation on a Bank in Rome. On page 138 Imposimato talks about International methods use by European Intelligence agencies, which are all basically the same, they use the Neo fascists to carry out their dirty work. Infiltrate Anarchists groups and Left wing groups and also sometimes create new groups of their own, they can't do this without Sérac, sounds like a bit of a lad. Yves Guérin-Sérac (alias Jean-Robert de Guernadec, alias Yves Guillou, alias Ralf) (1926-) was a French anti-Communist Roman Catholic activist, former officer of the French army and veteran of the First Indochina War (1945­54), the Korean WWar (1950­53) and the Algerian War of Independence (1955­62)62). He was also a member of the elite troop of the 11ème Demi-Brigade Parachutiste du Choc, which worked with the SDECE (French intelligence agency) and a founding member of the Organisation armée secrète (OAS) a terrorist group which fought against Algerian independence in 1961-62. It had been alleged that he was an instigator of the so-called strategy of tension in Italy, and the main organizer of the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombing. (this was from Wiki)

So late sixties the bombs start going off for real and at the same time the "cover up" operation kicks in. People in high places of authority hiding evidence and laying false trails for the magistrates any one who get's to close is very soon pushing up daisy's. The magistrates like Imposimato would not dream that half of the Italian Government was behind the attacks and that it was backed by the U.S Government, NATO, Vatican and international secret services. But some magistrates made a lot progress, but the results of their investigations were not appreciated at the time and remained in various filing cabinets with out their true value being discovered. LIke the document (RSDlIz n. 230 5.VI.l967) that Imposimato has publicly stated names Bilderberg, which was originally discovered by Emiliano Alessandrini, who was late assassinated as he was about to start an enquiry into the connections between Right and Left wing terrorist groups and the Italian Secret Services. I have scanned and translated the two pages where Imposimato mentions Bilderberg, so the original in Italian should also be available to those who want to check it for themselves.

OK I've been trying to stick to the International parts, I don't know if I have got it all but there appears to be plenty to be getting on with. The last point that is really of interest is the Office planning. The whole operation was located in the center of Rome a stones throw from the American Embassy which is 121 Via Veneto. Licio Gelli received his distinguished guests at the Excelsior Hotel which was at 125 Via Veneto. There various ministries in the near vicinity including the offices of the Commanders of Gladio. JUst a few hundred meters from the U.S Embassy in Via Sicily there were 7 offices, at different addresses, which were all linked to the Strategy of tension. Including offices maintained by Right wing Terrorist groups who were actively involved. Page 48 is a map of these locations and page 49 is the Key, I have scanned these in and will translate the key ..

So my conclusion. Well I was straight away onto the fact that so much had happened in 1947 and I pretty rapidly came to the conclusion that the whole Anti Communist campaign must have been planned some time in advance. The marshal plan was the Public Version, the operation that was carried out in Italy was entirely subversive. So I started sniffing about and the first place I looked was the Council of foreign Relations, I dunno if this is really what I was looking for but it sure does fit the bill. The CFR had carried out a project called War and Peace Studies, it was run by an OSS Spy, who was in London, with Angleton?, during the war. The project was Top Secret and sponsored by The Rockefeller Foundation.

The Terrorist campaign in Italy was undoubtedly an International operation. The arrangements and ground work were carried out by Freemasonry which continued to manage the project throughout. The anti-communist campaign was a campaign against all left of center parties and Trade Union Groups, and working people in general. Freemasonry is pretty much the main theme in the story. Throughout the book Imposimato hints at the unseen mysterious force that was controlling the operation. He has plenty of evidence to prove that NATO was in up to it's neck, Gladio has also been well documented. This are the people who actually carried out The Strategy of Tensions. But Imposimato is also looking for the Strategists, those that laid the plans out for the new Europe. The Fathers of Europe. So finding out that Bilderberg was involved was not really so much of a surprise, they are the Policy makers.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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