Uranium and Plutonium shipment at the end of the war 
An investigative documentary about where the famed U-234 may have gone in 
its secret mission at the close of World War Two 

Nazi Uranium 235 (and Plutonium?) shipment at the end of WWII

Critical Mass 
The Real Story Of The Birth Of The Atomic Bomb And The Nuclear Age 
by Carter P. Hydrick 
Part One - The Uranium Bomb 
Chapter One - U-234/U235 

"The most important and secret item of cargo, the uranium oxide, which I 
believe was radioactive, was loaded into one of the vertical steel tubes 
[of German U-boat U-234].... Two Japanese officers... [were]... painting a 
description in black characters on the brown paper wrapping.... Once the 
inscription U235 (the scientific designation for enriched uranium, the type 
required to make a bomb - author's note) had been painted on the wrapping 
of a package, it would then be carried over...and stowed in one of the six 
vertical mine shafts." [i] 
Wolfgang Hirschfeld 
Chief Radio Operator of U-234 

"Lieut Comdr Karl B Reese USNR, Lieut (JG) Edward P McDermott USNR and 
Major John E Vance CE USA 
will report to commandant May 30th Wednesday in connection with cargo 
U-234." [ii] 
US Navy secret transmission 
#292045 from Commander 
Naval Operations to Portsmouth Naval Yard, 30 May 1945 

"I just got a shipment in of captured material.... I have just talked to 
Vance and they are taking it off the ship.... I have about 80 cases of U 
powder in cases. He (Vance) is handling all of that now."iii 
Telephone transcript between Manhattan Project security officers 
Major Smith and Major Traynor, 14 June,1945. 

The traditional history of the atomic bomb accepts as an unimportant 
footnote the arrival of U-234 on United States shores, and admits the 
U-boat carried uranium oxide along with its load of powerful passengers and 
war-making materials. The accepted history also acknowledges these 
passengers were whisked away to Washington for interrogation and the cargo 
was quickly commandeered for use elsewhere. The traditional history even 
concedes that two Japanese officers were onboard U-234 and that they 
committed a form of unconventional Samurai suicide rather than be captured 
by their enemies. 

The traditional history denies, however, that the uranium on board U-234 
was enriched and therefore easily usable in an atomic bomb. The accepted 
history asserts there is no evidence that the uranium stocks of U-234 were 
transferred into the Manhattan Project, although recent suggestions have 
hinted that this may have occurred. And the traditional history asserts 
that the bomb components on board U-234 arrived too late to be included in 
the atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan. The documentation indicates 
quite differently on all accounts. 

Before U-234 had landed at Portsmouth - before it even left Europe - United 
States and British intelligence knew U-234 was on a mission to Japan and 
that it carried important passengers and cargo.iv A portion of the cargo, 
especially, was of a singular nature. According to U-234's chief radio 
operator, Wolfgang Hirschfeld, who witnessed the loading of the U-boat: 

The most important and secret item of cargo, the uranium oxide, which I 
believe was highly radioactive, was loaded into one of the vertical steel 
tubes one morning in February, 1945. Two Japanese officers were to travel 
aboard U-234 on the voyage to Tokyo: Air Force Colonel Genzo Shosi, an 
aeronautical engineer, and Navy Captain Hideo Tomonaga, a submarine 
architect who, it will be recalled, had arrived in France aboard U-180 
about eighteen months previously with a fortune in gold for the Japanese 
Embassy in Berlin. 

I saw these two officers seated on a crate on the forecasting engaged in 
painting a description in black characters on the brown paper wrapping 
gummed around each of a number of containers of uniform size. At the time I 
didn't see how many containers there were, but the Loading Manifest showed 
ten. Each case was a cube, possibly steel and lead, nine inches along each 
side and enormously heavy. Once the inscription U235 had been painted on 
the wrapping of a package, it would then be carried over to the knot of 
crewmen under the supervision of Sub-Lt Pfaff and the boatswain, Peter 
Scholch, and stowed in one of the six vertical mineshafts.v 

Hirschfeld's straightforward account of the uranium being "highly 
radioactive" - he later witnessed the storage tubes being tested with 
Geiger counters,vi - and labeled "U235" provides profoundly important 
information about this cargo. U235 is the scientific designation of 
enriched uranium - the type of uranium required to fuel an atomic bomb. 
While the uranium remained a secret from all but the highest levels within 
the United States until after the surrender of U-234, a captured German 
ULTRA encoder/decoder had allowed the Western Allies to intercept and 
decode German and Japanese radio transmissions. Some of these captured 
signals had already identified the U-boat as being on a special mission to 
Japan and even identified General Kessler and much of his cortege as likely 
to be onboard, but the curious uranium was never mentioned. The strictest 
secrecy was maintained, nonetheless, around the U-boat. 
As early as 13 May, the day before U-234 was actually boarded by the 
Sutton's prize crew, orders had already been dispatched that commanded 
special handling of the passengers and crew of U-234 when it was 

Press representatives may be permitted to interview officers and men of 
German submarines that surrender. This message applies only to submarines 
that surrender. It does not apply to other prisoners of war. It does not 
apply to prisoners of the U-234. Prisoners of the U-234 must not be 
interviewed by press representatives.vii 

Two days later, while the Sutton was slowly steaming toward Portsmouth with 
U-234 at her side, more orders were received. "Documents and personnel of 
U-234 are most important and any and all doubtful personnel should be sent 
here,"viii the commander of naval operations in Washington, D.C. ordered. 
The same day, the commander in chief of the Navy instructed, "Maintain 
prisoners U-234 incommunicado and send them under Navy department 
representative to Washington for interrogation."ix 

The effort to keep U-234 under wraps was only partially successful. 
Reporters had been allowed to interview prisoners from previous U-boats, 
and, in fact, were allowed to interview captured crews from succeeding 
U-boats, as well. When the press discovered U-234 was going to be off 
limits, a cry and hue went up that took two days to settle. Following 
extended negotiations, a compromise was struck between the Navy brass and 
the press core.x 

The reporters were allowed to take photographs of the people disembarking 
the boat when it landed, but no talking to the prisoners was permitted.xi 
When they landed at the pier, the prisoners walked silently through the 
gawking crowd and climbed into buses, to be driven out of the spotlight and 
far from the glaring eyes of history. On 23 May, the cargo manifest of 
U-234 was translatedxii by the office of Naval Intelligence, quickly 
triggering a series of events. On the second page of the manifest, halfway 
down the page, was the entry "10 cases, 560 kilograms, uranium oxide." 

Whoever first read the entry and understood the frightening capabilities 
and potential purpose of uranium must have been stunned by the entry. 
Certainly questions were asked. Was this the first shipment of uranium to 
Japan or had others already slipped by? Did the Japanese have the capacity 
to use it? Could they build a bomb? 

Whatever the answers, within four days personnel from the Office of Naval 
Intelligence had brought U-234's second watch officer, Karl Pfaff - who had 
not been brought to Washington with the original batch of high-level 
prisoners, but who had overseen loading of the U-boat in Germany - to 
Washington and interrogated him. They quickly radioed Portsmouth: 

Pfaff prepared manifest list and knows kind documents and 
cargo in each tube. Pfaff states...uranium oxide loaded in 
gold cylinders and as long as cylinders not opened can be 
handled like crude TNT. These containers should not be 
opened as substance will become sensitive and dangerous.xiii 

The identification that the uranium was stowed in gold-lined cylinders and 
that it would become "sensitive and dangerous" when unpacked provides clear 
substantiation of radio officer Hirschfeld's assertion that the uranium was 
labeled with the title U235. Uranium that has had its proportion of the 
isotope U235 increased compared to the more common isotope of uranium, 
U238, is known as enriched uranium. When that enrichment becomes 70 percent 
or above, it is bomb-grade uranium. The process of enriching uranium during 
the war was highly technical and very expensive - it still is. 

Upon first reading that the uranium on board U-234 was stored in gold-lined 
cylinders, this author tracked down Clarence Larsen, former director of the 
leading uranium enrichment process at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where the 
Manhattan Project's uranium enrichment facilities were housed. In a 
telephone conversation, I asked Mr. Larsen what, if anything, would be the 
purpose of shipping uranium in gold-lined containers.xiv 

Mr. Larsen remembered that the Oak Ridge program used gold trays when 
working with enriched uranium. He explained that, because uranium 
enrichment was a very costly process, enriched uranium needed to be 
protected jealously, but because it is very corrosive, it is easily invaded 
by any but the most stable materials, and would then become contaminated. 
To prevent the loss to contamination of the invaluable enriched uranium, 
gold was used. Gold is one of the most stable substances on earth. While 
expensive, Mr. Larsen explained, the cost of gold was a drop in the bucket 
compared to the value of enriched uranium. Would raw uranium, rather than 
enriched uranium, be stored in gold containers, I asked? Not likely, Mr. 
Larsen responded. The value of raw uranium is, and was at the time, 
inconsequential compared to the cost of gold. 

Assuming the Germans invested roughly the same amount of money as the 
Manhattan Project to enrich their uranium, which it appears they did,xv the 
cost of the U235 on board the submarine was somewhere in the neighborhood 
of $100,000 an ounce; by far the most expensive substance on earth. The 
fact that the enriched uranium had the capacity to deliver world dominance 
to the first country that processed and used it made it priceless. A long 
voyage with the U235 stowed in anything but gold could have cost the 
German/Japanese atomic bomb program dearly. 

In addition to the gold-lined shipping containers corroborating 
Hirschfeld's identification of the uranium as U235, the description of the 
uranium's characteristics when its container was opened also tends to 
support the conclusion the uranium was enriched. Uranium of all kinds is 
not only corrosive, but it is toxic if swallowed. In its raw state, 
however, which is 99.3 percent U238, the substance poses little threat to 
man as long as he does not eat it. The stock of raw uranium that eventually 
was processed by the Manhattan Project originally had been stored in steel 
drums and was sitting in the open at a Staten Island storage facility.xvi 
Much of the German raw uranium discovered in salt mines at the end of the 
war also was stored in steel drums, many of them broken open. 

The material was loaded into heavy paper sacks and carried from the storage 
area by apparently unprotected G.I.s.xvii Since then, more precautions have 
been taken in handling raw uranium, but at the time, caution was minimal 
and raw uranium was considered to be relatively safe.xviii For the Navy to 
note the uranium would become "sensitive and dangerous" and should be 
"handled like crude TNT" when it was unpacked tends to indicate that the 
uranium enclosed was, in fact, enriched uranium. Uranium enriched 
significantly in U235 is radioactive and therefore should be handled with 
appropriate caution, as the communiqué described. 

By 16 June 1945, a second cargo manifest had been prepared for U-234, this 
time by the United States Navy. But the uranium was not on the list. It was 
not even marked as shipped out or having once been on hand. It was never 
mentioned. It was gone - as if it never existed. 
Where did the uranium go? Eleven days after U-234 was escorted into 
Portsmouth, and four days after Pfaff identified its location on the 
U-boat, a team was selected to oversee the offloading of U-234. Portsmouth 
received the following message: 

Lieut. Comdr. Karl B Reese USNR, Lieut (JG) Edward P McDermott USNR and 
Major John E Vance CE USA [Corps of of Engineers, United States Army (the 
Manhattan Project's parent organization) - author's note] will report to 
commandant May 30th Wednesday in connection with cargo U-234. 

It is contemplated that shipment will be made by ship to 
ordnance investigation laboratory NAVPOWFAC Indian 
Head Maryland if this is feasible.xix 

The order, dispatched by the chief of naval operations, is revealing if not 
outright startling for the selection of one member of its three-man team. 
Including Major Vance of the Army Corps of Engineers in what was otherwise 
an all Navy operation seems a telling selection. The military services of 
the United States, as in most other countries, were highly competitive with 
one another. True, U-234's cargo included a mixed bag of aeronautics, 
rocketry and armor-piercing technology that the Army could use, too, but 
the Navy had programs for all of these materials and surely would have done 
its own analysis first and then possibly shared the information with its 
service brothers. 
Someone, somewhere at a very high level, appears to have seen that the Army 
was brought into the scavenging operation that had become U-234; not just 
any Army group, but the group that oversees the Manhattan Project - the 
Corps of Engineers. 

Major John E. Vance was not only from the Corps of Engineers, the Army 
department under which the Manhattan Project operated, but, if a telephone 
transcript taken from Manhattan Project archives refers to the same "Vance" 
as the Major assigned to offload U-234 - as it appears to - then he was 
part of America's super-secret atomic bomb project, as well. The transcript 
is of a conversation between Manhattan Project intelligence officers Smith 
and Traynor and was recorded two weeks after "Major Vance" was assigned to 
the team responsible for unloading the material captured on U-234. 

Smith: I just got a shipment in of captured material and there were 39 
drums and 70 wooden barrels and all of that is liquid. What I need is a 
test to see what the concentration is and a set of recommendations as to 
disposal. I have just talked to Vance and they are taking it off the ship 
and putting it in the 73rd Street Warehouse. In addition to that I have 
about 80 cases of U powder in cases. He (Vance) is handling all of that 
now. Can you do the testing and how quickly can it be done? All we know is 
that it ranges from 10 to 85 percent and we want to know which and what. 

Traynor: Can you give me what was in those cases? 
Smith: U powder. Vance will take care of the testing of that. 

Traynor: The other stuff is something else? 
Smith: The other is water.xx 

U-234's cargo manifest reveals that, besides its uranium, among its cargo 
was 10 "bales" of drums and 50 "bales" of barrels. The barrels are noted in 
the manifest to have contained benzyl cellulose, a very stable substancexxi 
that may have been used as a biological shield from radiation or as a 
coolant or moderator in a liquid reactor.xxii The manifest lists the drums 
as containing "confidential material." As surprising as it may seem, this 
secret substance may have been the "water" that Major Smith noted in his 
discussion with Major Traynor. Why would Major Smith want the water tested? 
And what did he mean when he said that its concentration ranged "from 10 to 
85 percent and we want to know which and what"? 

The leaders of the German project to breed plutonium had decided to use 
heavy water, or deuterium oxide, as the moderator for a plutonium-breeding 
liquid reactor. The procedure of creating heavy water results in regular 
water molecules picking up an additional hydrogen atom. The percentage of 
water molecules with the extra hydrogen represents the level of 
concentration of the heavy water. Thus Major Smith's seemingly overzealous 
concern about water and his question about concentration is predictable if 
Smith suspected the material was intended for a nuclear reactor. And using 
heavy water as a major element of their plutonium breeding reactor project, 
it is easy to see why the Germans labeled the drums "confidential 
material." The evidence indicates that U-234 - if the captured cargo being 
tested by "Vance" was from U-234, which seems very probable given all 
considerations - carried components for making not only a uranium bomb, but 
a plutonium bomb, also. 

Further corroborating the connection of the barrels and drums as those that 
were taken from U-234 is a handwritten note found in the Southeast national 
archives held at East Point, Georgia.xxiii Dated 16 June, 1945, two days 
after Smith's and Traynor's telephone conversation, the note described how 
109 barrels and drums - the exact total given in the Smith/Traynor 
transcript - were to be tested with geiger counters to determine if they 
were radioactive. The note also included instructions that an "intelligence 
agent cross out any markings on drums and bbls. [sic. - abbreviation for 
barrels - authors note] and number them serially from 1 to 109 and make 
note of what was crossed out." The note goes on to say that this 
recommendation was given to and approved by Lt.Colonel Parsons, General 
Groves' right-hand man on the military side of the Manhattan Project. And 
lastly, the writer of the note had called Major Smith, apparently to report 
back to him, leading one to believe the note's author may have been Major 

Was the captured cargo discussed by Smith and Traynor from U-234? The 
presence of a Mr. "Vance" who was in charge of "U powder," almost certainly 
determines that such was the case. The documents under consideration and 
the conversation they detail are from Manhattan Project files and are about 
men who worked for the Manhattan Project. Using the letter "U" as an 
abbreviation for uranium was widespread throughout the Manhattan Project. 
That there could have been another "Vance" who was working with uranium 
powder - especially "captured" uranium powder - seems unlikely even for 

And the fact that the contents of the barrels listed on the U-boat manifest 
were identified as containing a substance likely to be used in a nuclear 
reactor, benzyl cellulose, and that the barrels in the Smith/Traynor 
transcript and the untitled note - as well as the drums - were tested for 
radioactivity by geiger counter, certainly links the "captured" materials 
to no other source than U-234. The new-found evidence taken en mass 
demonstrates that, despite the traditional history, the uranium captured 
from U-234 was enriched uranium that was commandeered into the Manhattan 
Project more than a month before the final uranium slugs were assembled for 
the uranium bomb. 

The Oak Ridge records of its chief uranium enrichment effort - the magnetic 
isotope separators known as calutrons - show that a week after Smith's and 
Traynor's 14 June conversation, the enriched uranium output at Oak Ridge 
nearly doubled - after six months of steady output.[xxiv] Edward Hammel, a 
metallurgist who worked with Eric Jette at the Chicago Met Lab, where the 
enriched uranium was fabricated into the bomb slugs, corroborated this 
report of late-arriving enriched uranium. Mr. Hammel told the author that 
very little enriched uranium was received at the laboratory until just two 
or three weeks - certainly less than a month - before the bomb was 
dropped.[xxv] The Manhattan Project had been in desperate need of enriched 
uranium to fuel its lingering uranium bomb program. Now it is almost 
conclusively proven that U-234 provided the enriched uranium needed, as 
well as components for a plutonium breeder reactor. 


i Wolfgang Hirschfeld and Geoffrey Brooks, Hirschfeld:The Story of A U-boat 
NCO 1940-1946, pp. 198,199 

ii US Archives NARA II, U-boat U-234 file, US Navy secret dispatch 
#292045, 30 May 1945 

iii US Archives Southeast Region, East Point, Georgia, telephone transcript 
titled Telephone Conversation Between Major Smith, WLO and Major Traynor, 
14 June, 1945 

iv US Archives NARA II, extract of intercepted transmission sent from Chief 
Inspector in Germany to Bureau of Military Operations and Military Affairs, 
#165, 15 April, 1945, declassified # NND975001, NARA date 9/15/97 

v Wolfgang Hirschfeld and Geoffrey Brooks, Hirschfeld:The Story of A U-boat 
NCO 1940-1946, pp. 198,199 

vi Wolfgang Hirschfeld and Geoffrey Brooks, Hirschfeld:The Story of A 
U-boat NCO 1940-1946, Appendix 

vii US Archives NARA II, U-boat U-234 file, confidential dispatch #131509, 
13 May 1945 

viii US Archives NARA II, U-boat U-234 file, secret dispatch #151716, 15 
May, 1945 

ix US Archives NARA II, U-boat U-234 file, secret dispatch #151942, 15 May, 
1945, declassified #NND745085 

x US Archives NARA II, U-boat U-234 file, Log of Public Relations - 
Restricted, by Commander N.R. Collier, 17 May, 1945; transcript, Telephone 
Conversation Between Capt. V.D. Herbster, USN (Ret.), and Commodore Kurtz, 
U.S.N. E.S.F., 18 May, 1945; second telephone conversation transcript 
Captain Herbster and Commodore Kurtz, 18 May, 1945 

xi US Archives NARA II, U-boat U-234 file, Log of Public Relations - 
Restricted, by Commander N.R. Collier, 17 May, 1945; transcript, Telephone 
Conversation Between Capt. V.D. Herbster, USN (Ret.), and Commodore Kurtz, 
U.S.N. E.S.F., 18 May, 1945; second telephone conversation transcript 
Captain Herbster and Commodore Kurtz, 18 May, 1945 

xii US Archives NARA II, Manifest of Cargo For Tokio On Board U-234, 
translated from German, 23 May, 1945, declassified #NND903015, NARA Date 

xiii US Archives NARA II, secret dispatch #262151, 27 May, 1945 

xiv Personal telephone conversation between the author and Clarence Larsen, 
Director of Y-12 calutrons operations at Oak Ridge, no date recorded 

xv Joseph Borkin, The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben, p 116; Paul 
Manning, Nazi In Exile, p.153; compare to Chapter Four, page 82 

xvi Richard Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb, p. 427 

xvii Richard Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb,p p. 608, 609 

xviii Richard Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb, p. 461 

xix US Archives NARA II, U-boat U-234 file, US Navy secret dispatch 
#292045, 30 May 1945 

xx US Archives Southeast Region, East Point, Georgia, telephone transcript 
titled Telephone Conversation Between Major Smith, WLO and Major Traynor, 
14 June, 1945 

xxi Personal telephone conversation between the author and Dr. Susan Frost, 
PhD, Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of 
Medicine, University of Florida, 30 August 1999, also Dr. Wentworth, 
University of Houston 

xxii Interscience Publishers, Concise Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, p. 

xxiii US Archives NARA Southeast Region, East Point, GA, untitled 
handwritten note dated 6/16/45 

xxiv US Archives NARA Southeast Region, East Point, GA, Beta Oxide Transfer 
Report; see also chart on page __ 

xxv Personal telephone conversation between the author and Edward Hammel, 
Manhattan Project metallurgist, 14 May, 1996 

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