Please do what you can to share and distribute

even 'market' this amazing novel which exposes some of the Norwegian police's appaling cover-up of the Breivik massacre in Norway



The Norwegian original e-book is made for iPad, iPhone, Android
tablets and phones, Kindle, mac/pc laptops, etc. The files can be
downloaded as epub or mobi — even torrent — from

The English version — courtesy of (mainly) Google Translate, is at

It's not such a long read, so you should be able to finish it in an evening................

Karlsen checked Gmail and got refills waitress. He also thought of this DELTA exercise, where emergency squad thus had trained in terrorist attacks and massacres – Aftenposten very close to the scenario that played out 22/7 – both on Monday 18 July, Tuesday 19 July, Wednesday 20 July, Thursday 21 July and Friday 22 words July 2011, until the time was 15 minutes later, and Breivik drove up Grubbegata with his white van. Why did not 22/7-kommisjonen to enlighten readers about this in his report? Or to twist on it: Why did the black out to this?

It struck him that virtually every major terrorist incidents in which allied states were suspected were almost completely blacked out. It was dark in the newspapers. It was dark in television. It was dark in the parliaments and congresses. It was as if the pro-democratic underground did not exist, thought Karlsen. And he cursed the darkness.

He opened a new mail from Lionheart. The 36-year-old Briton and EDL founder, now based in Malta, had been investigated and questioned in the wake of the Utøya massacre, but then insists that they’d got the wrong Lionheart. To Karlsen wrote now that he was a Christian man, and appalled by the massacre. He would not disclose the matter and get the facts. Where they agreed, Karlsen and Lionheart.

After half an hour’s conversation with Lionheart, had Karlsen out and smoke in the rain. The Briton had been polite, but also a little condescending. He had Kims little of all the pieces, all the pieces Karlsen had collected and documented and described, for Snortheimsmoen and Fredriksen and helicopters, car registration number and massacres exercise. By that Karlsen had found a brick wall.......................

He got another cup of black coffee, and sat down at the computer. It seems that the Russians, again, that was the bad guys, thought Lionheart. They had trained Breivik in Belarus and arranged and organized it all. The goal was energy resources in the Barents Sea. But Karlsen did not to vote. It was too dark around this that a non-allied state could be left behind. The Norwegian and British media loved when to yell at Russia for everything from Siberian cold to Pussy Riot?

The dark november day went against the darker evenings and nights. Karlsen had downloaded “War Games” the penguin, and would see this classic before the final hearing on Scrutiny and Constitutional Committee started Monday morning. On the way down Vaskerelvsmauet and fortune seemed to him all the time there were people that moved in the shadows. Well it was just getting too much black coffee, thought Karlsen.
+44 (0)7786 952037
Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

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Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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