Speaking in the House of Commons on Monday, Philip Hollobone, a Conservative backbench MP, said: "How can it be in any way acceptable for members of Her Majesty's Government from the Prime Minister downwards to encourage foreign heads of state to comment on the EU referendum? "Is this not demonstrative of the fact that the international Bilderberg Group is ganging up against the British people?"


BY <http://europe.newsweek.com/authors/josh-lowe>JOSH LOWE ON 3/14/16 AT 5:36 PM MPs and a government minister from David Cameron's Conservative party have slammed foreign leaders who intervene in the "<http://europe.newsweek.com/brexit-frexit-france-germany-sweden-spain-eu-referendum-436510>Brexit" debate, with one blaming the "international Bilderberg group." Speaking in the House of Commons on Monday, Philip Hollobone, a Conservative backbench MP, said: "How can it be in any way acceptable for members of Her Majesty's Government from the Prime Minister downwards to encourage foreign heads of state to comment on the EU referendum? "Does this not demonstrate the fact that the international Bilderberg Group is ganging up against the British people?" The Bilderberg group is an informal, off-the-record discussion group for leaders of business, politics, academia and other elite figures from around the world. It is also a favourite target of conspiracy theorists....

EU referendum: Bilderberg group is ganging up against British voters, claims Tory MP

Foreign leaders intervening in the EU referendum campaign is evidence that the secretive Bilderberg group is "ganging up" against British voters, a Tory MP has claimed. The international group of politicians, business leaders and academics is known for holding an annual conference behind closed doors. One of the more outlandish theories about the group is that it is run by a race of humanoid creatures descended from lizards. Philip Hollobone, the Tory MP for Kettering, believes the group is seeking to influence the referendum. Meanwhile, Eurosceptic minister Chris Grayling warned foreign leaders not to get involved. Mr Hollobone said: "It is quite right that Her Majesty, our sovereign, should have no views on important issues such as the EU referendum. "How can it be in any way acceptable for members of Her Majesty's Government from the Prime Minister downwards to encourage foreign heads of state to comment on the EU referendum? "Is this not demonstrative of the fact that the international Bilderberg group is ganging up against the British people?" Mr Hollobone made the point during an urgent question in the Commons on whether the Government should launch an investigation into claims the Justice Secretary Michael Gove revealed details of Eurosceptic comments reportedly made by the Queen. Mr Grayling replied: "I would discourage any foreign leader from entering the debate at the moment.
"This is a matter for the British people and it should remain so."
Meanwhile, Peter Bone, the Tory MP for Wellingborough, hit out at reports that Barack Obama is going to call on the UK to vote to remain in the EU when he visits next month. Mr Bone said: "Do the Privy Council rules extend to previous colonies which might now have a president who might want to come over here and tell us how to vote in the EU referendum?" The Speaker of the House John Bercow said: "I think we know of the president of whom you speak. "The president is a most illustrious individual but last time I looked he was not a member of the Privy Council." George Osborne and Ed Balls have both attended the Bilderberg conference in the past. The events are held under Chatham House Rules, meaning that while participants can use the information received, comments and views should not be publicly attributed to any individual.
No minutes are taken of meetings, and no resolutions are proposed.

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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