<http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=13903&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=>Peter Power's probability, 'a spooky coincidence'

Working this figure out shouldn't be difficult but it has appeared to be. Perhaps the waters have been being deliberately muddied in the bigger 'game theory' scheme of things?

Indeed the 'New World Order' perpetrators and their chums see controlling the historical record as a game where anyone telling the truth can be 'gamed out of existence' by everything from dimwits to psychological warfare officers both civilian (Strategic Communication Labs) and military (Brigade 7/7).

So lets start from the basics again.

Rolling a six with a die gets exponentially less likely the more times you roll it. You work out the probability of getting a specific number on a die multiple times using 'powers'. That is a little number 2, 3 etc just after the number and above it. The chance of rolling a six twice is not 6 x 2 = 12 to 1, but 6 x 6, or 6 to the power of 2, thats 36 to 1.

Ie 6 to the power of two or three etc. depending on how many times you roll the die will give you the probability of getting a six every time, depending on how many times you roll it.

Now lets imagine a tube station die with 275 different sides, one for every tube station in London.

You don't work out the probability of rolling a specific number on a 275 sided dice three times by multiplying 275 by three giving 825 to 1. No. It's 275 to the power of three, which is 275 x 275 x 275. Which equals roughly 20,800,000 to 1.

That's just the tube stations.

Then we have the days of the year on top of that for the exercise and the bomb attack to coincide.

That's a simple 365 to 1 chance - multiplied in.

Which brings us up to about 6.6 billion to one.

Yes, there will be other considerations such as drills at weekends and lonely tube stations nobody wants to bomb, but that six billion to one probability igure is the baseline on which the case for the prosecution of Peter Power rests.

6.6 billion to one

Spooky indeed....

In all this minutiae its easy to lose the bigger picture that Peter Power via the BBC's Mike Rudin, a somewhat tarnished path, has told us his spooky drill was commissioned by Reed Elsevier. The Dutch firm which describes itself as 'multinational based in London', were also the organisers, until 2007, 2 years after the 7/7 London bombings, of the world's biggest arms fair. London's annual DSEI, ExCel Arms Fair,

And by the way if anyone has a video copy of the Canadian CBC TV 7 July 2005 broadcast where Power mentions the 'spooky coincidence' please do share it with us all as that specific clip seems to have entirely disappeared off the internet.


My audio only copy is here....

Reed Elsevier 7/7 drills: 'spooky coincidence' Peter Power Visor Consultants on CBC

From the Peter Power spotted thread
Some discussion on statistics of Peter Power's 'Spooky Coincidence'
Any scientists in the house please weigh in

I have revised this figure because it appears that Peter Power makes no claims about the bus bombing.
it's actually quite a bit less but still a lot, a lot, a lot.
275 x 275 x 275 x 365 = 7,600 million to one.

With 275 stations, three bombs, 2013 bus stops and 365 days in the year I calculate a probability of one in a little over fifteen million million that Peter Power is telling the truth.
That is
One in 15,000,000,000,000 or
One in 1.5 x 10 to the power of thirteen
How disturbing it would be to bump into Peter Power on the London Underground. I'm not sure he sould be approached.[/quote][/quote]

Tom Secker
Different calculations and resultant probabilities have been proffered by others involved with the 7/7 case. Journalist Tony Gosling has offered two different numbers: 6 billion to one, and 7.6 billion to one. During a PressTV debate on 7/7, self-styled conspiracy debunker David Aaronovitch challenged Gosling over his claim of probability. Gosling replied, 'I sat and worked it out. 275 tube stations times three multiplied by 365 days of the year.' Unfortunately for Gosling, even if this were an appropriate method to calculate probability, it doesn't produce anything close to 6 billion to one odds. 275 x 3 x 365 = 301,125. Gosling was also making the assumption that every station is an equally likely target, and that every day is equally likely to see an attack. He also assumed, incorrectly, that there is at most one attack and one exercise per year.
p. 253- Secrets, Spies and 7/7

There is a 7,600 million to one chance that he is telling the truth about his exercise having no link to the attack
ian neal
Nonsense. Showing your lack of understanding of statistics helps no one

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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