Azarov's Bombshell: Ukrainian Ex-PM Reveals Who Was Behind Maidan Sniper Deaths

Azarov's Bombshell: Ukrainian Ex-PM Reveals Who Was Behind Maidan Sniper Deaths

Three years ago this week, dozens of people, protesters and police alike, were gunned down in Kiev by mysterious snipers, leading to intensified pressure against authorities and culminating in the Maidan coup. Three years on, ex-Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has compiled his take on the snipers' identity. But Kiev is trying to destroy the evidence.

This week, tens of thousands have taken to the streets of Kiev to mark the third anniversary of the Maidan protests, which began in November 2013 and culminated in the ouster of unpopular but democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych on February 22, 2014. The 2014 protests erupted after Yanukovych delayed the signing of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and began negotiations on joining the Eurasian Economic Union instead.

In the course of about a month of clashes in central Kiev, which reached their peak between February 18 and February 20, 2014, over 130 people, including 18 police officers, were killed, many of them shot by sniper fire.

After taking power, the new government blamed the deaths on Yanukovych, Berkut riot police, and even Russian intelligence. The former president denied giving any orders to fire on the protesters. Other former government officials and anti-Maidan activists maintained that the snipers were not affiliated with the police or other security forces, pointing to numerous flaws that were found in Kiev's own case against Berkut. Critics of Kiev's version also pointed out that no one was ever charged with killing the police who died on Maidan, including the 13 officers killed at the peak of the violence.

Critics also pointed to the leaked phone call between then EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet during the crisis; Paet told Ashton that snipers had killed both police and protesters, and complained that the new authorities didn't seem particularly keen on investigating what actually happened. Medical personnel speaking to German media in the weeks that followed also said that the wounded from both police and protesters had the same kind of bullet wounds.

On the eve of the third anniversary of Yanukovych's ouster, Mykola Azarov, who served as Ukraine's prime minister until his resignation in January 2014, offered a grim reminder of who he firmly believes to have been responsible for the Maidan massacre.

In a detailed post on his Facebook page on Tuesday, complete with photo and video evidence, Azarov dropped a bombshell, writing that "today we, and investigators in Kiev as well, have reliable information about the fact that the murders on the Maidan were carried out by special groups of snipers from Georgia, the Baltic countries and Poland, under the guidance of instructors from France and Germany."

These groups, Azarov said, "were provided with cover and diversionary actions by shooters from the 'Maidan Self-Defense' group under the direction of [Andriy] Parubiy and [Serhiy] Pashinsky," the former now serving as speaker of Ukraine's parliament, and the latter an MP and former interim head of the presidential administration.

#Parubiy, the #Euromaidan #RightSector sniper unit commander, guilty of killing dozens of people. Also now a #Ukrainian parliament chairman.
 — Sergey Bobkov (@sbobkov) 15 ?????? 2016 ?.

Going into more detail, Azarov explained that "the Georgian group, consisting of 10 people, was placed in the Conservatory building [which overlooks Maidan Square]. The identities of three of them have been confirmed by photographs taken by Ukrainian Security Forces staff, and it has been established that they are Georgian nationals. On February 20, [2014] this group divided into two. One of them fired from the Conservatory Building, the other from the Hotel Ukraine Building."

"It is also assumed that a third group of professional shooters was involved in the mass killings, who in the space of only 30 minutes shot over 50 people in cold blood from the building on Gorodetsky street and were immediately moved out of the area," the ex-politician added.

Reminder: Kiev.2014

The Snipers, led by Parubiy. Still no one is punished.
 — ?????? ?????? ???? (@marina_saniram) 1 ??????? 2016 ?.

Unfortunately, Azarov lamented that Secretary of the National Defense Council Oleksandr Turchynov, Pashinsky, Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, Paruby, and ex-Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk, all of whom were appointed to their positions following the coup, "have done everything they could to destroy evidence and people's testimony. An attempt was made to place the blame for the massacre squarely on Yanukovych and the Burkut riot police."

Arsen avakov ordered the maidan sniper attacks watch as his henchmen are caught red handed
 — KGB agent B.hamill (@baz2000) 1 ???? 2015 ?.

"However, after three years, even the biased investigators have proven unable to prove the unprovable. 'The blood of the innocent people who died is on the conscience of the criminals who seized power in Ukraine', and this is an indisputable fact," Azarov added.

 © RIA Novosti. Andrei Stenin
Oliver Stone Urges Trump to Declassify Documents on Origins of Ukraine Crisis
The former prime minister insisted the evidence which exists helps "establish with absolute objectivity" the involvement of Turchinov, Paruby, Pashinsky et al. in the organization of the mass carnage which took place three years ago.

Azarov is obviously not the first former Ukrainian official to suggest that opposition-hired snipers were involved in the February 2014 killings. Late last year, Mykola Dulsky, who was a member of the radical nationalist organization 'White Hammer' during the Maidan, accused Pashinsky, Parubiy and Avakov directly of coordinating the Maidan snipers. Revealing that his group of radicals was charged with taking the roof of Hotel Ukraine, Dulsky said that there were unidentified snipers on the roof, including a man who spoke with an accent of one of the Baltic countries.

In December, Pashinsky tried to brush off the footage showing him driving around with a sniper rifle in his trunk in central Kiev in February 2014, saying that he was carrying the weapon for self-defense.

Clip from an independent report showing Pashinsky driving through Maidan with a sniper rifle in the trunk of his car.

This week, opposition figures and radical nationalist fighters have taken to the streets of Kiev again, calling on the government to resign and accusing authorities of corruption and criminal behavior.

If evidence about the snipers being hired guns for the authorities who illegally took power in February 2014 is confirmed, it would be a severe blow to the shaky foundations on which the current government already rests. "Justice," Azarov stressed, "is inevitable, and these crimes have no statute of limitations."

In the three years since the Maidan coup, Ukraine has faced a continual crisis on all fronts, including civil war in the Donbass, a 17% decline in its gross domestic product, a soaring national debt approaching 80% of GDP ($72 billion US), and a dramatic rise in crime. Utility prices have more than doubled over the past two years.

Another militia commander assassinated in Donetsk

The commander of Somali battalion of the Armed Forces of the People's Republic of Donetsk, Mikhail Tolstykh, better known for his nom de guerre Givi, was killed in a terrorist attack in Donetsk, representatives for the operational command of the breakaway republic stated.

"Mikhail Tolstykh, a hero of the People's Republic of Donetsk, the commander of Somali battalion, was killed today at 06:12 as a result of a terrorist attack. His assassination comes as a continuation of the terrorist war that the Kiev junta launched against the Donbass," the Donetsk News Agency quoted a statement from the military command of the republic.

Reportedly, Mikhail Tolstykh was killed in an explosion that occurred in his office.

In early February, it was reported that Tolstykh was wounded in battles near the settlement of Avdiivka. The commander himself later confirmed the information, but specified that the wound was not serious and he could continue commanding battles.

On October 16, 2016, a commander of the Donetsk militia, Arsen Pavlov, (nom de guerre Motorola) was killed in Donetsk. The authorities of the breakaway republic regarded the incident as a terrorist attack.

After the death of Motorola, Mikhail Tolstykh, aka Givi, said that he did not intend to leave the Donbass. "I have my battalion, my military unit, where I serve, and I am not going anywhere, because this is my native land," Givi then said.

Representatives of the Kiev authorities commented on the information about the death of Mikhail Tolstykh. The reaction from the Armed Forces and the Security Bureau of Ukraine was cautious. Yet, advisors and MPs were happy to learn the news.

Advisor to the chief of the Security Bureau of Ukraine Yuri Tandit refused to officially confirm the information about the death of the militia commander and said that it should be verified.

"We do not control the temporarily occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk region," he said. The official did not confirm the involvement of Ukrainian special services in the accident and associated it with events that currently take place in Donetsk.

Speaker for the headquarters if the anti-terrorist operation, Leonid Matyuhin, told 11 Ukraine channel that there was no official confirmation for the death of the militia commander in Donetsk. "There is no official confirmation to this, but it appears that he has unfortunately died," he official said, adding that the official confirmation would follow shortly.

Advisor to the Minister for Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Zorian Shkiryak, supported Tandit's version, who said that Mikhail Tolstykh (Givi) was killed as a result of conflicts within the administration of the People's Republic of Donetsk. According to Shkiryak, Givi could also be killed in an operation conducted by Russian special services. The Kremlin strongly rejected any implication of Russian special services in his assassination.

"We offer the leaders of the People's Republic of Donetsk and Luhansk, Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky, to surrender to the Ukrainian authorities. Judging from the current situation, they are likely to be next," Shkiryak said.

Ukrainian MP Anton Gerashchenko urged others not to rejoice about the death of Mikhail Tolstykh, although he did not miss his chance to make an offensive remark about the late military man.

"I understand the joy of many commentators on Facebook, but I would not be happy about it from the point of view of the efforts to ease pressure on Ukraine or against the backdrop of the combat readiness of the troops created with the support of Russia," he said.

Some believe that the Ukrainian authorities resort to terrorism to cowardly destroy the militia leaders of the People's Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk.

"There will be negative consequences, of course, because Givi has been a media figure lately. He would inspire our fighters, our militia. Givi's death has struck a serious blow on all of us, on the republic, from the point of view of motivation of the troops," Novorossiya MP Yevgeny Tinyansky told Pravda.Ru.

"Givi's office is located on the territory of the military unit, while the military unit is located on the territory of the city. Try to approach a military unit in peacetime without running into a patrol. We live in the time of war, when there are many patrols inside and outside military units. For the time being, it is difficult to say how the attack was organized," he added.

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<> "The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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