Billionaire Peter Thiel's secret Palantir spy links revealed

Thursday, 09 March 2017
The New Zealand Herald
By Matt Nippert

New Zealand spy agencies and our elite Special Air Service soldiers have 
long-standing commercial links with a controversial big-data company founded by 
surprise Kiwi Peter Thiel, the Herald can reveal.

An investigation into Thiel's links to New Zealand has found his firm Palantir 
Technologies has counted the New Zealand Defence Force, the Security 
Intelligence Service and the Government Communications and Security Bureau as 
clients with contracts dating back to at least 2012.

The revelation caused Kennedy Graham, Green Party spokesman for intelligence 
and security matters, to call for a delay to the passage of the New Zealand 
Intelligence and Security Bill, which today passed its second and penultimate 

Graham said the New Zealand-Palantir connection was "potentially huge" and 
raised more questions than it answered.

"The Parliament should not be too hasty until these things properly come to 
light," he said.

The connections between Palantir - controversial in the United States over its 
long links with National Security Agency surveillance operations and Thiel's 
backing of President Donald Trump - and the New Zealand government has long 
been shrouded in secrecy.

Questions sent to spokespeople for Thiel and Palantir both went unanswered this 

Requests under the Official Information Act to the three agencies seeking to 
disclose the existence and amount spent on Palantir data-analysis software 
initially drew a response of either "neither confirm nor deny" or "neither 
denies nor confirms" and claims that even answering the question threatened 
national security.

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This mystery is undercut by official publications by the agencies themselves 
over the past few years disclosing its use. A recently-advertised job 
description for the SIS said a key performance measurement would be that 
"appropriate user champions are identified within teams and provided with 
support to develop the Palantir skills of their team."

Jobs advertised in Wellington by Palantir itself warn successful applicants 
"must be willing and able to obtain a Government security clearance in New 
Zealand". The company has been a regular fixture at university careers fairs 
since 2013.

And a brief item in the military magazine Army News in 2012 stated a trial of 
the company's software was being piloted, but this wasn't the first time it had 
been deployed in New Zealand.

"Palantir intelligence software is in use with a number of our domestic and 
foreign partners," Army News said.

The reference to domestic partners is understood to be the GCSB and SIS, who 
both assist the army's elite SAS regiment in deployments overseas.

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The Army News reported in July 2012 the New Zealand Defence Force were looking 
at Palantir, noting it was already in use by New Zealand government agencies - 
understood to be the SIS and GCSB. The NZDF later confirmed this pilot led to a 
contractual relationship that continues to this day.
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The New Zealand Defence Force, after being made aware of the public 
disclosures, back-tracked on its refusal to comment and confirmed in later 
correspondence Palantir had been in use since 2012 and 100 staff had been 
trained in its use.

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Despite the backtrack by their counterparts in the military, a spokesperson for 
both spy agencies reiterated: "It is our long-standing policy not to discuss 
operations, suppliers or capabilities."

Former MP and Green Party co-leader Russel Norman, who sat on the Intelligence 
and Security Committee - Parliament's sole oversight of intelligence agencies - 
said although he was unable to discuss matters discussed during closed 
committee sessions, he didn't find the experience particularly illuminating of 

Continued below.

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Fairfax Media's Andrea Vance reported in 2014 the GCSB and SIS declined to 
answer any questions about Palantir posed by the committee.

As Norman told the Herald this week: "I learned far more from the Snowden leaks 
than I ever did from that committee."

The Intercept, a publication reporting on the Snowden leaks, last month 
reported: "Palantir's chief appeal is that it's not designed to do any single 
thing in particular, but is flexible and powerful enough to accommodate the 
requirements of any organisation that needs to process large amounts of both 
personal and abstract data."

The company became controversial in the United States over its close working 
relationship with the NSA in building programs designed to draw together 
disparate datasets - many obtained from widespread surveillance.

"Palantir's technology is dual-purpose," says Intercept security director 
Morgan Marquis-Boire, who noted it was put to some controversial uses - 
including recent news it was assisting the identification of undocumented 
migrants for deportation action by United States authorities.

Morgan said the adoption of Palantir by New Zealand agencies was not surprising 
given the long-standing intelligence-sharing alliance with the United States, 
Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. "I can't say I'm surprised, given 
Five Eyes," he said.

The three New Zealand agencies refused to disclose how much New Zealand 
taxpayer dollars were being spent on Palantir, although a leaked sales brochure 
published by The Intercept claimed while the product "looks expensive", it 
"isn't as expensive as expected."

The influence of Thiel - who was revealed by the Herald to have been awarded 
New Zealand citizenship under exceptional circumstance provision by the 
then-Minister of Internal Affairs in 2011 - on Palantir is obvious.

Thiel's fetish for Lord of the Rings nomenclature extends to his company 
(Palantiri are magical crystal balls and the company's headquarters in 
California is informally called "the Shire"), Palantir's Wellington-based "data 
guru" namechecks Thiel's book Zero to One in his CV, and the billionaire 
co-founder still is chairman of the board.

While the exact size of Thiel's stake in the company is not clear, it is by 
many accounts the largest single asset of the man valued by Forbes to be worth 
$4 billion.

After being founded in 2004, the financial press suggest floating the company 
on the stock market - potentially valuing the company in excess of $25 billion 
but opening it to more public scrutiny - is the next obvious step.

Government rejects link to citizenship
• Newly-disclosed links between Peter Thiel's Palantir Technologies and New 
Zealand intelligence agencies played no part in him being awarded of 
citizenship, the Government says.

• Official Information Act inquiries of the three agencies understood to use 
Palantir software - the New Zealand Defence Force, the Security Intelligence 
Service and the Government Communications Security Bureau - saw all deny any of 
their senior management team had met with Thiel over the past eight years.

• All three agencies also said they made no submission, formal or informal, 
over the Thiel application, although the SIS noted it undertook routine 
screening of all applicants in accordance with the Citizenship Act.

• The lightly redacted 145-page citizenship file released by Internal Affairs 
last month contained only one reference to Palantir - a passing mention in a 
media profile of Thiel submitted by his lawyers.

• Officials recommended then-Minister Nathan Guy approve the application, 
despite Thiel's neither living in New Zealand nor intending to do so, arguing 
his entrepreneurial skill and philanthropic deeds meant his case was 

• Guy, who said after news Thiel's citizenship broke "I don't recall this 
specific application", this week refused an interview about the case.

• A spokesman for Guy said the Minister had since reviewed the application file 
and now said he was unaware of links between Palantir and New Zealand 
intelligence agencies at the time he approved the application.

Correct @johnmcdonnellMP many of the super-rich in The City & Switzerland 
particularly should be in the dock 

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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