At 2:39 AM -0400 9/23/01, Michael G Schwern wrote:
>I just ran the taint tests.  It looks like VMS's %ENV is *not* tainted.
>$ perl -"Twle" "my $foo = (values %ENV)[0];  open(FILE, qq{>$foo})"
>Name "main::FILE" used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.
>Whereas on Unix that would cause a taint error.
>I know environment variables are a bit different on VMS than Unix.  Is
>there any reason you wouldn't want %ENV to be tainted?

Hmm.  Generally the environment does taint.  For example:

$ perl -"Twle" "my $foo=$ENV{'FOO'};  open(FILE, qq{>$foo})"
Name "main::FILE" used only once: possible typo at -e line 1.
Insecure dependency in open while running with -T switch at -e line 1.

I don't quite know how to prove this yet, but I think the reason the
example with "values %ENV" doesn't work derives from the following
behavior as described in L<perlvms/%ENV>:

At present, the first time you iterate over %ENV using
C<keys>, or C<values>,  you will incur a time penalty as all
logical names are read, in order to fully populate %ENV.
Subsequent iterations will not reread logical names, so they
won't be as slow, but they also won't reflect any changes
to logical name tables caused by other programs.

Basically we're pre-loading a hash when you use "keys" or "values" on
%ENV, and if I understand this right, hash elements are not
full-blown scalars and thus do not have tainting bits.  Getting an
individual element from %ENV, on the other hand, never involves a
real hash since we just call getenv() or moral equivalent and return
a single (tainted) scalar value.  The code where this is implemented
in vms/vms.c is pretty twisty stuff and I don't quite have a good
enough grasp of it yet to be sure this is right or know what to do
about it.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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