On Fri, Dec 14, 2001 at 02:48:07PM -0800, Brent Dax wrote:
> I don't know what directory this should go into, 

lib/lib.t I guess.

> so I'm not providing a
> patch, just pasting the body of lib.t in here.  Good enough?
> #!./perl
> use Test::More tests => 3;
> use lib 'stuff';
> #create a directory and a module
> mkdir('stuff', 0666);
> open(MOD, '>stuff/Yup.pm');
> print MOD 'package Yup; 1;';
> close MOD;
> #did the directory show up?
> ok(scalar(grep {/stuff/} @INC), 'added to @INC');

I believe lib.pm is guaranteed to stick the new lib on the front.  So
it should appear on @INC[0].

> #does it change require's behavior?
> ok(
>       eval { require Yup; 1; },
>       'affects require'
> );

Check that $INC{'Yup'} contains the right file.

> #how about use's?
> is(
>       `perl "-Mlib=stuff -MYup" -e "print 'ok'"`,
>       'ok',
>       'affects use'
> );

A simple way to trick 'use' is to clear the entry from %INC and then
eval "use Yup".

> #cleanup
> unlink 'stuff/Yup.pm';
> unlink 'stuff';

rmdir 'stuff'?

Other things need checked.  

    no lib 

    the magic behavior when there's $dir/$archname/auto.


    That trailing duplicate entries are removed (ie. so @INC doesn't
    grow under mod_perl)


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Kwalitee Is Job One
humble abode cries
there is not enough paste here
restock erotica please
        -- imploded

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