Hallo Michael,

Am 2001-12-16 um 21:20 schriebst du:

> On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 11:09:29AM -0700, chromatic wrote:
>> +     like( $$out, qr/could not locate your pod2man/,
>> +             '... should warn if pod2man cannot be located' );

> Gerrit, do you already have a perl installed in the spot you're about
> to put this new one?  If so, it might be seeing that pod2man.

I have 5.6.1 installed in /usr and pod2man in /usr/bin.
Hmm, up to now there never was an influence on building bleadperl (I guess),
after I renamed /bin/pod2man it works now without error, but ...

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