Just when you thought it was safe to smoke Perl... I'm also working on tests
for CPAN::FirstTime, though they may require a bit of reorganization to do
it right.  It'll likely make the code smaller and more flexible too.

-- c

--- MANIFEST~   Thu May  9 19:04:21 2002
+++ MANIFEST    Thu May  9 19:06:06 2002
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
 ext/B/Makefile.PL      Compiler backend makefile writer
 ext/B/NOTES            Compiler backend notes
 ext/B/O.pm             Compiler front-end module (-MO=...)
+ext/B/t/o.t            See if O works
 ext/B/ramblings/cc.notes       Compiler ramblings: notes on CC backend
 ext/B/ramblings/curcop.runtime Compiler ramblings: notes on curcop use
 ext/B/ramblings/flip-flop      Compiler ramblings: notes on flip-flop
--- /dev/null   Thu Aug 30 02:54:37 2001
+++ ext/B/t/o.t Thu May  9 19:03:25 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!./perl -w
+use strict;
+       chdir 't' if -d 't';
+       @INC = ('../lib', 'lib', '.');
+       require 'test.pl';
+local *OUT;
+open(OUT, '>lib/B/success.pm') or skip_all( 'Cannot write fake backend module');
+print OUT while <DATA>;
+close *OUT;
+plan( 9 );
+# use() makes it difficult to avoid O::import()
+require_ok( 'O' );
+my @args = ('-Ilib', '-MO=success,foo,bar', '-e', '1' );
+my $foo = runperl( args => \@args, stderr => 1 );
+my @lines = split(/\n/, $foo);
+is( $lines[0], '-e syntax OK', 'O.pm should not munge perl output without -qq');
+is( $lines[1], 'Compiling!', 'Output should not be saved without -q switch' );
+is( $lines[2], '(foo) <bar>', 'O.pm should call backend compile() method' );
+is( $lines[3], '[]', 'Nothing should be in $O::BEGIN_output without -q' );
+$args[1] = '-MO=-q,success,foo,bar';
+@lines = split(/\n/, runperl( args => \@args, stderr => 1 ) );
+isnt( $lines[1], 'Compiling!', 'Output should not be printed with -q switch' );
+is( $lines[2], "[Compiling!", '... but should be in $O::BEGIN_output' );
+$args[1] = '-MO=-qq,success,foo,bar';
+@lines = split(/\n/, runperl( args => \@args, stderr => 1 ));
+is( scalar @lines, 3, '-qq should suppress even the syntax OK message' );
+$args[1] = '-MO=success,fail';
+@lines = split(/\n/, runperl( args => \@args, stderr => 1 ));
+like( $lines[0], qr/fail at .eval/,
+       'O.pm should die if backend compile() does not return a subref' );
+END {
+       1 while unlink('lib/B/success.pm');
+package B::success;
+print "Compiling!\n";
+sub compile {
+       return 'fail' if ($_[0] eq 'fail');
+       print "($_[0]) <$_[1]>\n";
+       return sub { print "[$O::BEGIN_output]\n" };

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