--- Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the key is that it is perl version 5.6.1.  I can reproduce the
> problem on a stock 5.6.1 on linux (well, hacked just enough to get it to
> build).

Hmmm ... I saw this *after* my second ActiveState email.

> Actually, I wonder whether 5.6.1 should be supported or not.

I think that 5.6.1 is widespread enough that you might lose much of your intended 
audience if it's
not supported.  I know that I currently have a project at work that involves code 
coverage stats,
but this is part of our plan to migrate to 5.8.1.  We don't *need* this information, 
but it would
be very helpful.

> In any case, thanks a lot for tracking this down.  I'm sure it wasn't
> trivial.

Not a problem.  Devel::Cover has been part of my plan for fixing some serious problems 
at work. 
I've been hoping to use to help us figure out how much old code we have so we can 
delete it and
start refactoring from a cleaner code base.

I'll dig some more and see if I can come up with a workaround.


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