Subject: Re: Phalanx: What if full coverage isn't possible? (fwd)
From: stevan little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 12:26:44 -0400

}As for POD, in most cases, I agree with you, but to say you should have 
}100% POD coverage brings up several other questions, such as; Should I 
}document private methods?

I would personally imagine 100% POD coverage would be all exported 
methods to start, plus any other method which is intended to have a public 
interface (e.g. /^_/ subroutines, etc wouldn't be counted)

That's not to say that the method shouldn't be documented.  But I don't 
think we need to worry about making the private subroutines documented for 
public (perldoc, man) reading.

}So I guess what I am saying is sometimes 100% POD coverage would not make
}sense, and might actually degrade the quality of the documentation by
}documenting stuff that really does not need to be documented, and
}therefore only serves to confuse the reader.

Again, this depends on what you include in 100% coverage.  But in my mind, 
every module should ideally have a POD header explaining its purpose and 
then the public interfaces and hooks should have their POD documentation.  
I agree completely that documenting private interfaces within a POD doc 
will do little to help the average developer who just wants to use the 
module, and may in fact wind up causing problems for a module developer 
that changes the internal structure of their module in a later rev.

-Pete K
Pete Krawczyk
  perl at bsod dot net

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