On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 04:44:42PM -0800, Ofer Nave wrote:
> Is it possible to tell quasi-reliably if the code in question uses 
> threads and skip it?  On that note, is forking also problematic?

Not really.  Anywhere within the test or any code called by the test might
use threads.  Devel::Cover however, is aware when it hits threads and dies
with an error message.  So it would be possible to at least know when
a coverage run is not complete due to threading problems.

> I think it would be a powerful addition to CPAN.  If you go to the 
> distribution page for any module - say, for example, Class::DBI 
> (http://search.cpan.org/~tmtm/Class-DBI/)

Trouble right there.  Now search.cpan.org has to run untrusted code so
a jail would have to be constructed.

Additionally it has to have all the optional modules necessary for
testing the module available else the coverage run will appear low due
to skipped tests.  CDBI is a perfect example of this.  Finally, any
external dependencies or platform specific code causing tests to be
skipped (libwin32, DBD::Pg, etc...) will produce inaccurately low 
coverage reports.

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