On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 10:43:57AM -0500, Ricardo SIGNES wrote:
> * "David A. Golden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-04-02T05:27:18]
> > Andy Lester wrote:
> > >Why is there a scoreboard?  Why do we care about rankings?  Why is it
> > >necessary to compare one measure to another?  What purpose is being
> > >served?
> > 
> > Why is there XP on perlmonks?  Or Karma on Slashdot?  Or for that 
> > matter, why do we grade students' exams (particularly, why do we often 
> > grade them on a curve)?
> This is not a good analogy to Kwalitee, because XP and Karma are
> primarily awarded by humans who can make judgements based on reason.

I think you are thinking of Reputation (which a node has), not XP
(which a user has).  In point of fact, XP can be awarded for logging
on daily, for voting on other people's nodes, or even for cash
contributions, not just for others' votes on one's own nodes.

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