
On Monday 04 April 2005 11:32, David Cantrell wrote:
> Tels wrote:
> > On Friday 01 April 2005 21:47, Walter Goulet wrote:
> >> I've been in contact with the author of Net-SSLeay about testing his
> >> module. One limitation I have to work with is that the module has to
> >> work out of the box with perl 5.6.0 which doesn't include the
> >> Test::Simple and Test::More modules.
> >
> > I am sometimes quite sick of having to work around already-fixed bugs
> > or already-implemented features just because someone insists of using
> > outdated software.
> And I am heartily sick of the idea that you must be running the latest
> and greatest.  Sorry, but in many environments that is just not
> possible, in particular, places where all upgrades have to go through
> rigourous QA and testing - never mind that this might not be useful,
> The Procedures say it has to be done.  The sort of environments where
> you might expect people to be using SSL.

Well, and why would anyone in such environment update Net::SSL? Just stay 
at the old version and be happy :)

If really necessary, important fixes should be backported by these people 
running in these environments. That way the people with the rigours 
procedures would have to do the work and suffering (backport, test etc), 
instead of the people who try running software from this decade :)

> If the author says he needs to stay compatible with 5.6.0, then respect
> that.  It's not as if the lack of Test::More makes testing hard!  Embed
> your own version of ok() in the test script if you like, just as we all
> used to do.

I thought the entire point about having modules like Test::More was about 
to NOT re-inventing the wheel. And requirements like "it has to work with 
plain 5.6.0" (not even 5.6.2!) lead ultimateively to re-inventing the 
wheel by forcing you to include your own ok() routines etc. That's the 
wrong direction IMHO.

As I said, I am all for stable environments, and changing as little as 
possible. Hell, I know of a well-preserved 386, because that DOS 
environment is the only one still running certain programs.

But sometimes you gotta move with the times, or left behind. ;)

>  > I'd say toss in a prerequisite for Test::Simple and be done with it.
>  > Anybody who is still using 5.6.0 with no additional modules does
>  > something wrong.
> That too :-)


Best wishes,


- -- 
 Signed on Mon Apr  4 18:03:53 2005 with key 0x93B84C15.
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 "We have problems like this all of the time," Kirk said, trying to
 reassure me.  "Sometimes its really hard to get things burning." --

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