I am having trouble figuring out how to test a Perl script which functions as a command-line utility and which is included with a CPAN-style distribution.

For purpose of discussion, let's call the distribution XYZ and the script xyz.pl. My distribution has the following standard structure:


xyz.pl is a Perl script, intended for use at the command-line, which parses some options and then calls XYZ->new() with those options:

    eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl  -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
      if 0;    # not running under some shell

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Getopt::Std;
    use XYZ;

    getopts( "Vh", \%opts );
    die Usage() if ( $opts{h} );

    my $mod   = XYZ->new(
        VERBOSE        => ( ( $opts{V} ) ? 1 : 0 ),

I would like to be able to write tests which call xyz.pl with different combinations of options and examine the results. I assume that I would have to call the utility with something like this:

    system(xyz.pl -V);

The problem I'm facing is that the version of XYZ that I want xyz.pl to 'use' is the version I am currently developing, namely, the one that will be placed in 'blib/lib' by 'make'. I *don't* want xyz.pl to 'use' the *older* version of XYZ which I have installed on disk (presumably at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.4/XYZ.pm).

However, it seems that when I call 'system(xyz.pl -V)' from inside file t/02_script.t, it goes for the *installed* (and now incorrect) version of XYZ.pm rather than the one in the development tree. (I have tried adding 'use blib;' to xyz.pl, but (a) it doesn't locate blib properly and (b) I don't want that in the version of xyz.pl to be distributed to customers or on CPAN.

So, how do I structure the distribution and write the test so that I can test the command-line utility, not just the Perl module?


Jim Keenan

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